Бойцовский клуб: Abarth 695 Biposto - Top Gear

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Считаете, современные зажигалки слишком легко водить? Например, две звезды 2015 года, McLaren 675LT и Ferrari F12tdf, сексуальные, как Леа Сейду, делят 1455 л.с. на двоих, но не пытаются оторвать пилоту руки. Ерунда.

Мы где-то на окраине Сан-Марино, под безоблачным, слава Богу, небом. Автомобиль подпрыгнул на 312-й ямке, и я снова запорол переключение. Давненько я не ездил на такой сложной машинке, как этот маленький Abarth. Он даже норовистее своего дальнего родственника из Маранелло. Да, меня уделал навороченный Fiat 500.

Вот только учтите, что Abarth 695 Biposto – нечто большее, чем понтовый "Чинквеченто". Он сконструирован на базе гоночной машины для монокубка Trofeo и настроен для дорог. Кажется. Abarth – очередной недооцененный суббренд FCA с великой историей готовится к великому моменту, к выходу нового Fiat 124 Spider. И если судить по Biposto, он будет что надо.

Выглядит 695-й фантастически. Колея и колесные арки расширены, корма украшена титановым выпуском, пороги и юбки карбоновые. И полуматовая краска цвета оружейной стали. Легкие турбомотора 1,4 – впуск и выпуск – обновлены; турбина и радиатор тут крупнее. Результат – 190 л.с. при 5500 об/мин и вполне серьезная цена – €43 000.

Но это еще цветочки. Давайте пройдемся по опциям Biposto.

Верхний пункт – причина наших с ним войн на итальянских серпантинах: гоночная кулачковая коробка (почти €11 000). За эти деньги дают еще и механический дифф повышенного трения, легкий алюминиевый маховик и шикарный рычаг с открытой кулисой. Карманная 458 Speciale! Катер для линкора Ferrari. Ясно?

Процент попаданий у меня сейчас ровно 50. Сделаешь все правильно – кайфанешь. Запорешь переключение – загудит в ладони. И в обслуживании эта коробка дороже. Настоящий гоночный агрегат взят из чемпионата F4 для одноместников Abarth. Коробку нужно обслуживать у специалиста и менять масло каждые 20 000 км. Я говорил, что на нашей машине вдобавок ко всему опционные окна из оргстекла, алюминиевый капот, карбоновый салон, регистратор данных на приборной панели, четырехточечные ремни Sabelt и шлем? Да, если ставить галочки во всех окошках подряд, автомобиль будет стоить больше 65 000 евро. Это уже не 458 – за такие деньги можно купить приличную подержанную Ferrari 360 Modena.

Beta не была так успешна, как Stratos, но у нее были красные ремни…

Кто-то явно знал, что за руль сядет Джейсон Барлоу по прозвищу Убийца Резины

Желтые колеса помогали Stratos получить чемпионский титул в WRC в 74-м, 75-м и 76-м

Воспоминания на всю жизнь. Прижмите картинку к уху, чтобы услышать звук

В сезоне 1980 года мотор Fiat 124 развивал 240 л.с.

Выключатель массы – лучший способ остановить бешеный ралли-кар

Когда мы мчим по Эмилье, едва сдерживая прущую из Biposto энергию и ныряя из апекса в апекс, становится ясно, что 695-й вознаграждает только за тяжкий труд – он старых правил. Его "дорожность" – маскарад. Асфальт итальянских провинций не лучше самого жуткого английского шоссе, и если бы я носился тут регулярно, я бы рыдал от подвески Abarth. Зато к динамике и звуку никаких претензий. Выхлоп у Biposto от Akrapovič, а нажав кнопку Sport (куда ж еще спортивнее?), ты получаешь завывания и налитой руль. "Абарт" разгоняется до сотни меньше чем за шесть секунд, но в реальном мире мотор придется крутить, иначе все съест турбояма. К тому же Biposto легко глохнет – это мучение, а сцепление схватывает резко. Этот маленький деспот измотает вам все нервы, не сомневайтесь.

К тому времени, когда мы останавливаемся возле сервиса K Sport Луки Малатесты, мне срочно необходим отдых и "доппья эспрессо". Мы в Римини, в глубинке одинаковых промзон. Мастерская Луки абсолютно неприметна, но когда поднимаются ворота, у меня падает челюсть. Лука – бывший механик WRC, а сейчас к нему тянутся со всей Италии в поисках заботливого сервиса для ветеранов ралли. Он объясняет, почему его гараж похож на мавзолей Цинь Шихуанди: в нем тоже армия, только не терракотовая.

Джон Хьюс, бизнесмен и бывший глава комитета FIA по историческому автоспорту, пригласил TopGear поиграть в раллийные машинки в лице Fiat 131 Abarth, 124 Spider, Lancia Beta Coupe, и – что лучше всего – Lancia Stratos Сандро Мунари. Джон не просто крут. Оказывается, он работал на F1 RAM Racing до эры квалификаций, когда в стартовой сетке было больше 30 машин, и получил там кличку Часы за свою работу. На машинах RAM ездили Алан Джонс, Гай Эдвардс, Кенни Эйксон. Тогда Джон познакомился с будущими воротилами – Максом Мосли и Берни Экклстоуном. "Один раз Дерек Дейли въехал на прокатной машине в лобби отеля и нарезал круги вокруг фонтана, – вспоминает он. – Да, другие были времена".

И мир ралли был другим. Теперь это зрелище опреснело, и легко забыть, что большую часть 70-х и 80-х WRC соперничала с Ф-1 в престиже и популярности. И героях. Упав в эту кроличью нору, можно часами рассматривать гоночные машины и восхищаться мастерством пилотов. Пока ребята Луки прогревают тачки в клубах выхлопных газов, Джон объясняет эту страсть. "Они возрождают твою юность, ты переживаешь те великие моменты снова. Иметь такую машину – мечта. Stratos – мечта мальчишек, супертачка с постера, отчасти благодаря репутации сложной машины. Да, она сложная, я могу это подтвердить".

И я. Это третья Stratos, на которой я ездил, и даже сесть в нее – подвиг. Сев, ты оказываешься почти в центре; впереди щель лобового, карманы на дверях огромны – для карт и шлемов. В Stratos ты не сидишь, не надеваешь ее на манер пиджака. Нет, скорее, она ставит тебе условия и втягивает в невыгодную сделку. Еще до того, как ты заведешь мотор.

Конечно, звучит она как Бог. Первая передача включается вниз, а коробке нужна необычная смесь деликатности и грубой силы. Даже ненадолго выехав на местные дороги, я понимаю, что Stratos с радостью убьет тебя при первой возможности, но в то же время вызывает стойкую зависимость. Редкий мотор звучит так же сочно, как 2,4-литровый V6 Ferrari, сидящий высоко посередине коварно короткой базы. И даже скромные 280 л.с. (у машины с 12-клапанной головкой, у 24-клапанной – свыше 320 л.с.) вызывают дрожь.

Машина Джона полностью аутентична, это Group B с оригинальными тормозами, амортизаторами Bilstein с иными точками крепления, 48-миллиметровыми карбюраторами и двумя тросиками газа. И это лишь часть списка деталей, которые сейчас невозможно найти. В 1974 году автомобиль, почти идентичный этому, победил с отрывом в ралли Сан-Ремо (в своей первой гонке) и продолжил побеждать, став чемпионом в том году и 75-м, и 76-м. На фанатов все более крепчающей выдержки имена Мунари, Вальдегаард и Дарниш действовали как заклятие.

В Stratos ты не садишься, ты заключаешь заведомо невыгодную сделку

Stratos последний раз победила в ралли, на Tour de Corse 1981 года, когда за рулем был Дарниш. К тому времени Fiat Group бросила все силы на 131 Abarth, сконструированный на базе седана середины 70-х, автомобиль, который даже ультрагики Fiat записали в слишком левые. Но не я. Этот укороченный итальянский Escort был бесконечно крут, когда закидывал гравием снег, и вообще ездил, кажется, только боком. Bertone собрала машину, Abarth подготовил ее, набравшись опыта с прототипами.

Компания была в хорошей форме в 1977 году, когда 131 начал карьеру и получил чемпионский титул. А потом в 78-м и 80-м. Наш экземпляр – типичная гоночная машина заводской команды. С большими колесными арками и широкой колеей он кажется еще более квадратным. На носу – наклейка Fiat Abarth и большие противотуманки. Номера в старом стиле вызывают умиление.

Цена: €43 000 / Двигатель: 1395 см3, 4 цил., турбо, 190 л.с., 250 Нм / Динамика: 0-100 км/ч за 5,9 с, 230 км/ч / Трансмиссия: 5-ступ. механика, передний привод / Расход: 6 л/100 км / Масса: 997 кг

У него 215-сильный двухлитровый 16-клапанный мотор с двумя распредвалами и механическим впрыском Kugelfischer и короткая пятиступенчатая коробка. Переключаясь, ты тоже можешь получить психическую травму. Да, 131 Abarth довольно скромный, но на него можно подсесть с первого раза. Он весит около тонны (машины для гравийных участков чуть тяжелее), и недостаток веса ощущается, стоит лишь тронуть что-либо внутри. Он кажется хрупким, и все же совершенно неубиваемым. А еще пробегитесь взглядом по приборам и увидите желтую полоску клейкой ленты на тахометре, которая говорит, что красная зона у 131 начинается на 8600 об/мин…

Когда 131 Abarth спускается к сервису Луки вслед за невероятно громким 124 Spider, я осознаю, что у него лучшая по звуку четверка, из тех, что мне встречались. Когда на 3500 об/мин мотор начинает тянуть, даже могучие горы уходят на второй план. Забудьте о суперкарах, этот старый квадратный седан Fiat сделан еще в те времена, когда сказочная страна Италия умела разбудить душу в машинах.

Радует, что Abarth Biposto может исполнить тот же фокус и сорок лет спустя.


Материалы: http://topgearrussia.ru/reviews/30120_Boytsovskiy_klub_Abarth_695_Biposto

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Abarth wanted to set itself a challenge: to find the perfect balance to take a car that guarantees the same emotions as the 695 Assetto Corse used on Europe's most prestigious tracks in the Trofeo Abarth to the streets, and make it legal and safe.

To guarantee this, the initial briefing imposed radical choices with the goal of reaching the technical targets and ensuring extraordinary performance:

  • 190HP 1.4 T-Jet engine, the most powerful ever installed on a road-going Abarth, with a specific power of 139HP/litre, an absolute record for this engine category;
  • unladen weight of 997kg, with a weight-to-power ratio of just 5.2kg/HP;
  • acceleration from 0 to 100km/h in just 5.9'';
  • 230km/h top speed;
  • outstanding agility, thanks to limited weight, wider track and compact body with short wheelbase and limited overhang.

The only way to guarantee that these project targets were met was to use components and technologies taken from the world of racing on a road-going car, distinguished "DNA" acquired from experience on tracks the world over and that helps make the Abarth 695 biposto "the smallest of the supercars". By way of illustration, the technical specifications include oversized front intercooler, high-performance BMC intake kit, Abarth exhaust system by Akrapovic with active valve, Extreme Shox adjustable shock absorbers, Brembo braking system, "ultra-light "18-inch OZ rims and light titanium anti-rollbar by Poggipolini.

As in race cars, the 695 biposto's passenger compartment is plain by design, to achieve optimum driving ergonomics and weight reduction. That's why the standard equipment includes Abarth Corsa by Sabelt seats with composite backrest shell, instrumentation with 7" colour TFT display and typical flat door panels to underscore the character of the 695 biposto.

The racing set-up is confirmed by the choice of technological materials for producing the front floor footplates, where the mat, typical of road-going cars, makes way for an aluminium lining, the same materials used for the brake, clutch and accelerator pedals and for the driver and passenger footrests.

Design to performance

The forceful and individual style of the 695 biposto results from a very precise requirement: guaranteeing maximum performance without sacrificing the typical elegance of Italian style and the recognised iconic character of Abarth design.

The exterior of the new Abarth 695 biposto is distinguished by some more pronounced and "muscular" elements: the front bumper has been completely redesigned to guarantee maximum air flow, thanks to the wide aerodynamic carbon fibre insert as well as the rear bumper, "sculpted" to ensure that the carbon fibre extractor optimises the air flow and permits the installation of the Abarth by Akrapovic exhaust system. The wind tunnel sessions also led to a redesign of the rear spoiler, now more pronounced, while the strict track tests ensured maximum braking system heat dissipation thanks to the design of the "ultra-light" OZ rims.

The increased track called for a new "body kit", with widened wheel arches and specific side skirts. These too have carbon fibre inserts.

The bodywork is characterised by a brand-new matt Performance Grey colour, as if the car were created straight from the road, and further enhanced by titanium finishes for the front bonnet trim, door handles and tailgate and rear handle.

On the inside, the racing spirit of the 695 biposto takes the form of style choices that combine superior technology with attention to detail. An example? The rear titanium anti-rollbar by Poggipolini, a company famous for extremely high-precision machining and for structural and weight-reduction solutions, through the use of special alloys, to the extent of being a point of reference in the Automotive, F1 and Aerospace sectors.

The rear compartment - with no seats - is characterised by a lining in a technical material which, as with the bodywork, recalls the colour and texture of asphalt. Additionally, an "anti intrusion" net for securing luggage and the four-point seat belts are attached to the anti-rollbar, in both cases with a racing flavour and made by Sabelt, international reference brand in the world of racing and technical partner of many professional drivers and teams.

The mark of Sabelt is also to be found on the anatomical seats: they're "Abarth Corsa by Sabelt" with composite or carbon fibre shell, with upholstery comprising electro-welded Alcantara and titanium-coloured leather with brand-new colours and finishes for an Abarth.

Certain details highlight the degree of care and passion that went into making the car: inside the door handle is a red strip made out of the same material as the 4-point seats belts, an oddment net complements the front door panel and the identification plate on the central console can be personalised with the name of the customer.

On the outside, the aerial elimination hole is sealed with a milled aluminium cap with the 695 biposto logo, the rear light surround is black to ensure maximum exterior harmony and the weave of the carbon fibre has been arranged symmetrically to create an "arrow", symbol of dynamism and the sport attitude of the 695 biposto.

Fiat Abarth 695 Biposto

Technical upgrade kits

The list of technical upgrades for customising the 695 biposto expresses its racing derivation even more clearly: choosing the "Racing Windows" kit equips your car with fixed front windows with polycarbonate sliding panels, available on a type-approved road-going sports car for the first time.

Staying with the subject of "world firsts", the 695 biposto is the first "street legal" car to be offered with a gearbox with dog rings, making upwards gear changes so rapid that expert drivers don't need to use the clutch. This unique, exclusive feature, created with the expertise that Bacci Romano has acquired on tracks the world over, is suited to expert drivers and offered as an alternative to the five-speed manual gearbox in the "Dog Ring" kit. To guarantee the unique feel of a race car, the dog-ring gearbox is teamed with a brand-new lightened H-pattern control - characterised by the typical light alloy turret, a true gem of precision mechanics - with the mechanical self-locking differential, with the dashboard console and with the carbon tunnel.

The list of technical and performance upgrades wouldn't have been complete without a kit destined for the track, dedicated to drivers who want to take their 695 biposto to the limit: in the "track kit" are the Abarth Corse by Sabelt seats with visible carbon shell, the 4-point seat belts type-approved for sports use, the MXL2 digital data logger by Aim for continuously monitoring every single facet of the car's performance and the type-approved helmet with 695 biposto customisation.

There's also a clear racing inspiration behind some of the aesthetic solutions, like the bonnet with specific two-bump design, inspired by the classic 124 Abarth and made of aluminium, a homage to the cars of the past and a technical element to reduce the car's weight, available with the "124 special" kit together with the set of milled metal mechanical caps for water, oil and fuel.

Or the "carbon kit", which lends a supercar look to the vehicle as well as reducing its weight still further thanks to the carbon fibre pillar trims, rear view mirrors, dashboard trim and front and rear panels.

Engine and gearbox

The new Abarth 695 biposto guarantees exhilarating performance: with a weight of just 997 kg and the 1.4 T-Jet engine, brought to 190 HP for the first time on a road-going car, it's the car with the best weight-to-power ratio (5.2 kg/HP) and the best acceleration (0-100 km/h in 5.9") in the category, reaching a top speed of 230 km/h.

In particular, its 1.4-litre engine is the 1,368 cm3 turbocharged 4-cylinder 16v, the same which is used on the 695 Assetto Corsa for the Trofeo Abarth and on the Formula 4 single-seater.

On the 695 biposto, the engine delivers a maximum power of 190 HP at 5,500 rpm and a maximum torque of 250 Nm at 3,000 rpm.

The specific power is 139 HP/litre, an absolute record in this engine category, but the most surprising characteristic is the car's rapid response to input at the accelerator, the result of a great deal of tuning work on the intake, exhaust and turbocharger.

It's the first time that a "street legal" car is offered with a gearbox featuring dog rings with controls and disc and clutch self-locking differential derived from racing, making upwards gear changes so rapid that expert drivers don't need to use the clutch.

The driver interface is a genuine work of art: a turret made entirely of light alloy with H-configuration gear selection, guaranteeing a unique driving feel, just like that of a race car. This unique, exclusive feature, created from the high-performance racing car transmission expertise of Bacci Romano, is suited to expert drivers and offered as an alternative to the manual gearbox fitted as standard.

Technical partners: from track to road

Abarth's challenge was to find the perfect balance in the formula required to bring a car that guarantees the performance and feel of the track to the road, with the utmost safety: "distilling" the essence of Abarth through careful selection of high-performance materials, advanced technology and superior partners.

Everything in the Abarth 695 biposto speaks the language of racing, thanks in part to the collaboration of technical partners who share Abarth's passion for the challenge of racing and instinct for performance.

Their contribution to imagining, designing and creating the biposto was as significant as the challenge to overcome their own limits.

To guarantee power and maximum engine output, the dynamic aspiration filter casing with carbon finish was developed in collaboration with BMC, world leader in the sector of filters and air intake devices intended for racing.

With the same aim of guaranteeing the utmost engine performance and to guarantee the proverbial Abarth sound, the titanium exhaust system with active valve was produced in collaboration with Akrapovic, a company which produces competition exhaust systems for Moto GP, Superbike, Supersport, Supermotard, Motocross, Enduro and rally raid. Pressing the SPORT button on the dashboard completely opens the exhaust valve, contributing to improved performance and enhancing the car with a powerful, unmistakable sound.

Supercar performance matched by just as much reliability and safety thanks to the racing-derived Brembo braking system with front floating, ventilated and perforated discs (305x28 mm) and four-piston one-piece aluminium calipers (4×38 mm).

To allow more demanding drivers to find the right driving feel in all conditions, the car is equipped with shock absorbers with hydraulic and height adjustment by Extreme Shox, leading European provider of dynamic solutions for vehicles used from F1 to Rally, as well as "Le Mans series" and the WTCC.

In terms of its behaviour on the road, the "Ultra-light" rims are provided by OZ, a company that symbolises Italian manufacturing quality through the creation of excellent products for customising cars and bikes and can boast numerous international successes in F1, Rally, DTM and Indy car. It shares with Abarth Italian taste, racing tradition and certified quality.

A true "icon" of the racing world, the 695 is available with front fixed windows with Lexan sliding panels, created by Isoclima using the innovative material provided by Sabic.

Thanks to joint technical development, this content - so significant in terms of weight reduction - is available for the first time on a sports car type-approved for road use.

Another "world first" is the option of a gearbox with dog rings, developed in collaboration with Bacci Romano and teamed with a mechanical self-locking differential to guarantee maximum dynamic performance.

Available for real race lovers, who always want their performance under control, there's the MLX data logger by AIM Sport, world leader in data acquisition and display technology for motorsport and racing.

The light titanium anti-rollbar is produced by Poggipolini, a company that has been making special components to satisfy the desires of racing teams and drivers for years.

Sabelt's experience takes on the form of the racing seats with composite or carbon shell, as well as the 4-point seat belts type-approved for competition.

Sabelt also "clothes" many professional drivers, and could hardly fail to provide a sportswear line dedicated to 695 biposto drivers. Customers will be able to order FIA type-approved technical sports clothing: suit and gloves personalised with your name, racing shoes, helmet designed specially for the 695 biposto.


Mopar® - the reference brand for services, Customer Care, original spare parts and accessories of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles - will offer a series of exclusive services for the Abarth 695 biposto powered by "Mopar Vehicle Protection". These services secure the utmost peace of mind to Abarth customers thanks to extensive coverage for mechanical components and dedicated servicing plans, in addition to an assistance and repair service provided by highly specialised technicians who use genuine parts exclusively.

Abarth 695 biposto customers can also rely on the assistance of "Abarth 24H Mobile", the mobile app available free of charge at the Apple Store and Google Play in 13 European countries and 5 languages (Italian, French, German, Spanish and English). Of particular note among the main services are: "Find a Dealership" so you can find the nearest Dealership or Workshop, "Owner Handbooks" so you have a summary your cars's handbook with you, "Roadside Assistance", essential for getting support in the case of need. The "Contact us" service allows you to reach Customer Service through the Universal Freephone Number or a contact form.

The spirit, the essence and the features of the Abarth 695 biposto animate the exciting brand extension dedicated to the new model. The projects focus on various areas, like the Capsule Collection for apparel, and the range of premium designer gadgets and collectables. More in detail, the racing spirit of the Abarth 695 biposto is the inspiration for the new clothing collection. Colours, materials and details are in perfect harmony with the car. The Capsule Collection for men and women is dedicated to enthusiasts who want to stand out and demand exclusivity. The goal is to transfer the distinctive contents of the 695 biposto to the entire Abarth brand extension concept to make each spin-off uniquely important and special. This is why we are creating a top-quality collection of designer items and merchandising. Carbon and aluminium are the materials of choice and the mechanical parts of the car inspire the mood.

The Abarth 695 biposto products are made in collaboration with Mopar and will be available at FCA and Abarth dealerships.

“Riccardo Paletti” Racetrack

The brand's modern icon, representing the essential sportiness embedded in the "Abarth DNA", the new 695 biposto is "the smallest of the supercars", which is at its best on the track, where speed, short braking distances and transverse acceleration are essential for first-rate lap times: from 0 to 100 km/h in 5.9 second flat and a top speed of 230 km/h.

That's why Abarth has decided to have the international press test drive the new car on the "Riccardo Paletti" circuit in Varano de' Melegari, near Parma, one of the tracks approved by the FIA (since 2002) for automotive competitions. Characterised by highly engaging 2.4 km course that's also lots of fun, since 1991 it has also been the permanent home of the Centro Internazionale Guida Sicura (CIGS - International Safe Driving Centre) conceived and directed by ex Formula 1 driver Andrea de Adamich.

The "Riccardo Paletti" Racetrack is celebrated as the historic, and contemporary, training ground and first important stage for many young racers who would go on to make a name for themselves and famous champions on two and four wheels. Even World Champions like Jacques Villeneuve, who ventured into Formula 3 on the circuit in Varano, or Valentino Rossi, an assiduous patron of the circuit even at a very young age. But many other names have wrestled with the Ickx bend or the Bank: Alessandro Zanardi, Giancarlo Fisichella, Alessandro Nannini, Babini, Tamburini, Luca Badoer, Raikkonen, Doriano Romboni, Ivan Goi.

Thanks to the constant development in the quality and quantity of activities on offer, today the CIGS is one of the best-equipped structures in Europe and, since it was founded in 1991, it has formed a strong relationship with the brands of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles in creating safe and sports driving courses that are always up to date and attentive to the requirements of those taking part. The "Riccardo Paletti" Racetrack is currently also home to the Abarth Driving Academy, the school founded by Abarth in collaboration with Andrea de Adamich's Centro Internazionale Guida Sicura.

Abarth Driving Academy courses are trained on their goal, just like the cars: increasing safety, but also satisfaction behind the wheel, through "Negative Driving" exercises, that is, regarding control of the car in limit and emergency situations, and "Positive Driving" exercises, where track driving is used to hone driving lines and progress on corners, effectively limiting Negative Driving situations. The Abarth 500, Abarth 500 Assetto Corse and Abarth Grande Punto are available to participants.

All of this is taught and supervised by professional Driver-Instructors: some of the best Italian and international drivers collaborate with the Centro, boosted by their experience in F1 and rally driving. For example, there are Andrea Piccini, Mimmo Schiattarella, Alex Fiorio, Piero Liatti, Andrea Aghini, Antonio Tamburini, Rui Aguas, Marco Cavigioli, Giampiero Simoni, Fabio Mancini, Luca Rossetti and Alessandro Balzan.

Материалы: http://www.caricos.com/cars/f/fiat/2015_fiat_abarth_695_biposto/

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Abarth wanted to set itself a challenge: to find the perfect balance to take a car that guarantees the same emotions as the 695 Assetto Corse used on Europe's most prestigious tracks in the Trofeo Abarth to the streets, and make it legal and safe.

To guarantee this, the initial briefing imposed radical choices with the goal of reaching the technical targets and ensuring extraordinary performance:

  • 190HP 1.4 T-Jet engine, the most powerful ever installed on a road-going Abarth, with a specific power of 139HP/litre, an absolute record for this engine category;
  • unladen weight of 997kg, with a weight-to-power ratio of just 5.2kg/HP;
  • acceleration from 0 to 100km/h in just 5.9s;
  • 230km/h top speed;
  • outstanding agility, thanks to limited weight, wider track and compact body with short wheelbase and limited overhang.

The only way to guarantee that these project targets were met was to use components and technologies taken from the world of racing on a road-going car, distinguished "DNA" acquired from experience on tracks the world over and that helps make the Abarth 695 biposto "the smallest of the supercars". By way of illustration, the technical specifications include oversized front intercooler, high-performance BMC intake kit, Abarth exhaust system by Akrapovic with active valve, Extreme Shox adjustable shock absorbers, Brembo braking system, "ultra-light "18-inch OZ rims and light titanium anti-rollbar by Poggipolini.

2015 Fiat 695 Abarth Biposto

As in race cars, the 695 biposto's passenger compartment is plain by design, to achieve optimum driving ergonomics and weight reduction. That's why the standard equipment includes Abarth Corsa by Sabelt seats with composite backrest shell, instrumentation with 7" colour TFT display and typical flat door panels to underscore the character of the 695 biposto.

The racing set-up is confirmed by the choice of technological materials for producing the front floor footplates, where the mat, typical of road-going cars, makes way for an aluminium lining, the same materials used for the brake, clutch and accelerator pedals and for the driver and passenger footrests.

The forceful and individual style of the 695 biposto results from a very precise requirement: guaranteeing maximum performance without sacrificing the typical elegance of Italian style and the recognised iconic character of Abarth design.

The exterior of the new Abarth 695 biposto is distinguished by some more pronounced and "muscular" elements: the front bumper has been completely redesigned to guarantee maximum air flow, thanks to the wide aerodynamic carbon fibre insert as well as the rear bumper, "sculpted" to ensure that the carbon fibre extractor optimises the air flow and permits the installation of the Abarth by Akrapovic exhaust system. The wind tunnel sessions also led to a redesign of the rear spoiler, now more pronounced, while the strict track tests ensured maximum braking system heat dissipation thanks to the design of the "ultra-light" OZ rims.

The increased track called for a new "body kit", with widened wheel arches and specific side skirts. These too have carbon fibre inserts.

The bodywork is characterised by a brand-new matt Performance Grey colour, as if the car were created straight from the road, and further enhanced by titanium finishes for the front bonnet trim, door handles and tailgate and rear handle.

On the inside, the racing spirit of the 695 biposto takes the form of style choices that combine superior technology with attention to detail. An example? The rear titanium anti-rollbar by Poggipolini, a company famous for extremely high-precision machining and for structural and weight-reduction solutions, through the use of special alloys, to the extent of being a point of reference in the Automotive, F1 and Aerospace sectors.

The rear compartment - with no seats - is characterised by a lining in a technical material which, as with the bodywork, recalls the colour and texture of asphalt. Additionally, an "anti intrusion" net for securing luggage and the four-point seat belts are attached to the anti-rollbar, in both cases with a racing flavour and made by Sabelt, international reference brand in the world of racing and technical partner of many professional drivers and teams.

The mark of Sabelt is also to be found on the anatomical seats: they're "Abarth Corsa by Sabelt" with composite or carbon fibre shell, with upholstery comprising electro-welded Alcantara and titanium-coloured leather with brand-new colours and finishes for an Abarth.

Certain details highlight the degree of care and passion that went into making the car: inside the door handle is a red strip made out of the same material as the 4-point seats belts, an oddment net complements the front door panel and the identification plate on the central console can be personalised with the name of the customer.

On the outside, the aerial elimination hole is sealed with a milled aluminium cap with the 695 biposto logo, the rear light surround is black to ensure maximum exterior harmony and the weave of the carbon fibre has been arranged symmetrically to create an "arrow", symbol of dynamism and the sport attitude of the 695 biposto.

The list of technical upgrades for customising the 695 biposto expresses its racing derivation even more clearly: choosing the "Racing Windows" kit equips your car with fixed front windows with polycarbonate sliding panels, available on a type-approved road-going sports car for the first time.

Staying with the subject of "world firsts", the 695 biposto is the first "street legal" car to be offered with a gearbox with dog rings, making upwards gear changes so rapid that expert drivers don't need to use the clutch. This unique, exclusive feature, created with the expertise that Bacci Romano has acquired on tracks the world over, is suited to expert drivers and offered as an alternative to the five-speed manual gearbox in the "Dog Ring" kit. To guarantee the unique feel of a race car, the dog-ring gearbox is teamed with a brand-new lightened H-pattern control - characterised by the typical light alloy turret, a true gem of precision mechanics - with the mechanical self-locking differential, with the dashboard console and with the carbon tunnel.

The list of technical and performance upgrades wouldn't have been complete without a kit destined for the track, dedicated to drivers who want to take their 695 biposto to the limit: in the "track kit" are the Abarth Corse by Sabelt seats with visible carbon shell, the 4-point seat belts type-approved for sports use, the MXL2 digital data logger by Aim for continuously monitoring every single facet of the car's performance and the type-approved helmet with 695 biposto customisation.

There's also a clear racing inspiration behind some of the aesthetic solutions, like the bonnet with specific two-bump design, inspired by the classic 124 Abarth and made of aluminium, a homage to the cars of the past and a technical element to reduce the car's weight, available with the "124 special" kit together with the set of milled metal mechanical caps for water, oil and fuel.

Or the "carbon kit", which lends a supercar look to the vehicle as well as reducing its weight still further thanks to the carbon fibre pillar trims, rear view mirrors, dashboard trim and front and rear panels.

The new Abarth 695 biposto guarantees exhilarating performance: with a weight of just 997 kg and the 1.4 T-Jet engine, brought to 190 HP for the first time on a road-going car, it's the car with the best weight-to-power ratio (5.2 kg/HP) and the best acceleration (0-100 km/h in 5.9") in the category, reaching a top speed of 230 km/h.

In particular, its 1.4-litre engine is the 1,368 cm3 turbocharged 4-cylinder 16v, the same which is used on the 695 Assetto Corsa for the Trofeo Abarth and on the Formula 4 single-seater.

On the 695 biposto, the engine delivers a maximum power of 190 HP at 5,500 rpm and a maximum torque of 250 Nm at 3,000 rpm.

The specific power is 139 HP/litre, an absolute record in this engine category, but the most surprising characteristic is the car's rapid response to input at the accelerator, the result of a great deal of tuning work on the intake, exhaust and turbocharger.

It's the first time that a "street legal" car is offered with a gearbox featuring dog rings with controls and disc and clutch self-locking differential derived from racing, making upwards gear changes so rapid that expert drivers don't need to use the clutch.

The driver interface is a genuine work of art: a turret made entirely of light alloy with H-configuration gear selection, guaranteeing a unique driving feel, just like that of a race car. This unique, exclusive feature, created from the high-performance racing car transmission expertise of Bacci Romano, is suited to expert drivers and offered as an alternative to the manual gearbox fitted as standard.

Technical partners: from track to road

Abarth's challenge was to find the perfect balance in the formula required to bring a car that guarantees the performance and feel of the track to the road, with the utmost safety: "distilling" the essence of Abarth through careful selection of high-performance materials, advanced technology and superior partners.

Everything in the Abarth 695 biposto speaks the language of racing, thanks in part to the collaboration of technical partners who share Abarth's passion for the challenge of racing and instinct for performance.

Their contribution to imagining, designing and creating the biposto was as significant as the challenge to overcome their own limits.

To guarantee power and maximum engine output, the dynamic aspiration filter casing with carbon finish was developed in collaboration with BMC, world leader in the sector of filters and air intake devices intended for racing.

With the same aim of guaranteeing the utmost engine performance and to guarantee the proverbial Abarth sound, the titanium exhaust system with active valve was produced in collaboration with Akrapovic, a company which produces competition exhaust systems for Moto GP, Superbike, Supersport, Supermotard, Motocross, Enduro and rally raid. Pressing the SPORT button on the dashboard completely opens the exhaust valve, contributing to improved performance and enhancing the car with a powerful, unmistakable sound.

Supercar performance matched by just as much reliability and safety thanks to the racing-derived Brembo braking system with front floating, ventilated and perforated discs (305x28 mm) and four-piston one-piece aluminium calipers (4×38 mm).

To allow more demanding drivers to find the right driving feel in all conditions, the car is equipped with shock absorbers with hydraulic and height adjustment by Extreme Shox, leading European provider of dynamic solutions for vehicles used from F1 to Rally, as well as "Le Mans series" and the WTCC.

In terms of its behaviour on the road, the "Ultra-light" rims are provided by OZ, a company that symbolises Italian manufacturing quality through the creation of excellent products for customising cars and bikes and can boast numerous international successes in F1, Rally, DTM and Indy car. It shares with Abarth Italian taste, racing tradition and certified quality.

A true "icon" of the racing world, the 695 is available with front fixed windows with Lexan sliding panels, created by Isoclima using the innovative material provided by Sabic.

Thanks to joint technical development, this content - so significant in terms of weight reduction - is available for the first time on a sports car type-approved for road use.

Another "world first" is the option of a gearbox with dog rings, developed in collaboration with Bacci Romano and teamed with a mechanical self-locking differential to guarantee maximum dynamic performance.

Available for real race lovers, who always want their performance under control, there's the MLX data logger by AIM Sport, world leader in data acquisition and display technology for motorsport and racing.

The light titanium anti-rollbar is produced by Poggipolini, a company that has been making special components to satisfy the desires of racing teams and drivers for years.

Sabelt's experience takes on the form of the racing seats with composite or carbon shell, as well as the 4-point seat belts type-approved for competition.

Sabelt also "clothes" many professional drivers, and could hardly fail to provide a sportswear line dedicated to 695 biposto drivers. Customers will be able to order FIA type-approved technical sports clothing: suit and gloves personalised with your name, racing shoes, helmet designed specially for the 695 biposto.

Материалы: http://www.netcarshow.com/fiat/2015-695_abarth_biposto/

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