Jaguar обновил модели XF, XF Sportbrake и XJ

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Компания Jaguar показала представителей своего модельного ряда образца 2013 года — автомобили XF, XF Sportbrake и XJ, получившие заметные изменения в технической части.

Под капотом элитных британских автомобилей Jaguar XF, XF Sportbrake и XJ теперь может находиться турбированный двухлитровый мотор с четырьмя цилиндрами и мощностью 240 л .с. Он работает на бензине и вырабатывает 340 Нм крутящего момента. В более серьезной комплектации используется уже 3-литровый бензиновый ДВС V6 с 340 л .с. мощности и 450 Нм крутящего момента.

Для моделей XF и XF Sportbrake Jaguar также предложит улучшенный 4-цилиндровый дизельный двигатель объемом 2,2 литра. Снабженный турбиной, он имеет мощность 163 л .с. и крутящий момент 400 Нм. Опционально доступна модификация этого двигателя с увеличенной до 200 лошадей мощностью и до 450 Нм крутящим моментом.

Все три модели от Jaguar теперь оснащаются восьмискоростной автоматической коробкой передач. Плюс к этому, по данным Carscoop, автомобили с двигателями V6 и V8 получат систему пуска/остановки двигателя, что приведет к снижению их расхода в среднем на 5%. В дополнение ко всему этому, модель Jaguar XJ получит еще и перенастроенную подвеску. Если быть точным, то производитель решил использовать совершенно другие пружины и амортизаторы вместо старых, чтобы улучшить управляемость машины.

Интерьер моделей Jaguar 2013 года претерпет совсем немного изменений. Внешний вид салона XJ, XF и XF Sportbrake останется прежним за исключением небольших акцентов, не сильно влияющих на общее впечатление от дизайна. А вот техническая сторона салона подверглась модернизации. Как ожидается, Jaguar оборудует свои автомобили новой навигационно-информационной системой, в состав которой войдет новая акустика и свежее программное обеспечение с улучшенным дизайном.

В качестве опции для XJ, XF и XF Sportbrake Jaguar предложит акустическую систему Meridian в двух версиях — мощностью 380 и 825 ватт. Стоимость автомобилей всех дополнительных опций будет оговорена позднее.

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Выход кроссовера Jaguar F-Pace хоть и отсрочил премьеру традиционного универсала на базе легковой модели XF, но не отменил ее! Ведь на европейском рынке такие машины по-прежнему очень востребованы. Поэтому спустя два года после дебюта седана встречайте версию Sportbrake. Она будет конкурировать с такими автомобилями, как «пятерка» BMW Touring, Audi A6 Avant и пятидверный Mercedes E-класса.

Потрясающе красивый автомобиль! Язык не поворачивается назвать его «сараем». По длине новый Sportbrake не отличается от исходного седана (4955 мм), но при этом он выше на 39 мм (1496 мм). Если сравнивать с универсалом прошлого поколения, то габариты почти не изменились, зато колесная база растянута на 51 мм до 2960 мм. Интересно, что коэффициент аэродинамического сопротивления Cd по нынешним временам далеко не рекордный: 0,29.

Объем багажника почти такой же, как у «пятерки» BMW: 565 литров под шторкой, а в конфигурации со сложенными задними сиденьями — 1700 литров. В этом плане Mercedes E-класса по-прежнему недосягаем: 640—1820 литров. Грузопассажирский Jaguar имеет электропривод пятой двери, спинка заднего сиденья разделена в пропорции 40:20:40 для облегчения перевозки длинномеров.

За доплату предлагается панорамная крыша площадью 1,6 м 2 , которая простирается над двумя рядами сидений, причем управление шторкой осуществляется жестами. Сканер расположен у салонного зеркала заднего вида: достаточно махнуть рукой в нужную сторону, чтобы активировать электропривод.

Самое важное техническое отличие универсала от седана — задняя пневматическая подвеска, которая на Sportbrake устанавливается уже в базовой комплектации, а для седана не предлагается даже за доплату. Ее главное предназначение — автоматическое поддержание уровня кузова вне зависимости от нагрузки. В остальном для универсала предлагаются те же опции, что и для четырехдверки, включая адаптивный круиз-контроль, спортивную подвеску и системы активной безопасности.

Универсал выйдет рынок с шестью двигателями на выбор, причем в полном составе у седана заимствована только дизельная гамма, состоящая из четырех моторов. Основной станет двухлитровая «четверка» Ingenium в трех вариантах форсировки: с одним турбокомпрессором она развивает 163 или 180 л.с., а с двумя — 240 л.с. На вершине гаммы — турбодизель V6 3.0 (300 л.с.). Единственный бензиновый мотор для Старого света — турбочетверка из того же семейства Ingenium мощностью 250 л.с., хотя на внешних рынках будет доступен еще и универсал с компрессорным мотором V6 (380 л.с.). Седаны также оснащаются бензиновыми двигателями с отдачей 200 и 340 л.с.

Шестиступенчатая «механика» полагается только для самой слабой версии, у всех остальных — восьмиступенчатый «автомат» ZF. Полный привод — только у машин с дизелями мощностью 180 (за доплату) и 240 л.с. («в базе»), хотя в Китае предложат еще и версию AWD с 250-сильным бензиновым мотором.

Да да, Jaguar собирается предлагать универсал на китайском рынке! Более того, позже в компании планируют начать продажи пятидверок в США, хотя нынче мало кто отваживается поставлять сюда обычные универсалы, ведь местным покупателям интересны кроссоверы. В Европе новый XF Sportbrake уже доступен к заказу, продажи начнутся в ближайшие месяцы. А вот в России эту машину можно не ждать: даже универсал прошлого поколения в «жирные» годы у нас не продавался.

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В первые в объективе — Jaguar XF Sportbrake

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Пресс-релиз (en)

Jaguar 2013 Model Year XF and XJ

Offering greater choice, efficiency and technology

Jaguar's multi-award winning XF and aluminium-bodied XJ saloon ranges feature significant enhancements for the 2013MY. Key features across the 2013MY XF and XJ ranges are:

  • All XF and XJ models offer significantly improved efficiency through a newly expanded powertrain range. Eight-speed transmissions are now mated to all engines, with V6 and V8 petrol and all diesel engines also being available with Jaguar's Intelligent Stop/Start system.
  • Meridian sound systems - first introduced to Jaguar with the exclusive XJ Ultimate model - are now available throughout the XF and XJ ranges for an unparalleled automotive audiophile experience.
  • Technology upgrades introduce enhancements, new features and optimise ease of use for audio and infotainment systems across all XF and XJ models. Suspension enhancements for the XJ flagship further optimise passenger comfort.
"The technical improvements introduced to the 2013 Model Year XF and XJ ranges - including the addition of the XF Sportbrake - demonstrate Jaguar's determination both to exceed the demanding expectations of our customers around the world, and our ambitious plans for growth in emerging markets. Through the expertise of our engineering teams, the Jaguar brand is in a stronger position than ever before to achieve those goals." Adrian Hallmark, Global Brand Director, Jaguar Cars

2013MY XF and XJ: Powertrains

Expanded engine choice sees two new highly efficient, forced induction petrol powerplants - 3.0-litre V6 Supercharged and 2.0-litre i4 Turbocharged units - join the existing line-up of 2.2-litre i4 Turbodiesel, 3.0-litre V6 Turbodiesel and both naturally-aspirated and Supercharged 5.0-litre V8 petrols.

Eight-speed automatic transmissions are now fitted to all petrol and diesel XJ and XF variants for greater efficiency and performance.

Jaguar's Intelligent Stop/Start system extended to all V6 and V8 petrol and all diesel engines across the XJ and XF ranges offering emissions and economy benefits.

2.2-litre i4 Turbodiesel now offered in 163PS and 200PS versions for XF saloon and Sportbrake models, all with CO2 emissions from 135g/km and combined fuel economy from 55.4mpg (5.1l/100km).

Both 240 and 275PS versions of the 3.0-litre V6 Turbodiesel now achieve CO2 emissions of 159g/km in the XF saloon and 159g/km in the XJ (275PS only) with combined fuel economy of 47mpg (6.0l/100km) for each installation.

The supercharged V8 petrol engine has fuel economy gains of up to 11% with emissions reductions of more than 8%, while the naturally-aspirated V8 sees economy improvements of up to 8% with emissions down by more than 6%.

Having introduced a host of new technologies for the 2012 Model Year and following the two new highly-efficient forced induction petrol engines announced earlier in the year, Jaguar is once again broadening its global product offering and improving customer choice with its 2013MY XF and XJ ranges.

The acclaimed eight-speed ZF automatic transmission first introduced to the XF range last year to complement its smooth, powerful turbocharged diesel engines is now made standard across the entire XJ and XF range for all petrol and diesel powerplants. The eight-speed transmission is allied to Jaguar's Intelligent Stop/Start system on all turbodiesel and V6 and V8 petrol engines (market dependent).

"The engineering target in developing the 2013MY XF and XJ powertrain range was to optimise efficiency and enhance choice, while never compromising the effortless performance that is an inherent and vital characteristic in all our cars. Through intelligent use of forced induction, eight-speed transmissions and, where appropriate, Stop/Start technology, each derivative in the new XF and XJ ranges meets that enhanced efficiency goal while offering the performance thrill expected of a Jaguar." Ron Lee, Group Chief Engineer, Powertrains, Jaguar Cars

Following its introduction on the 2.2-litre i4 and 3.0-litre V6 Turbodiesel engines for 2012MY XF saloons, the eight-speed ZF transmission is now extended across the entire XF and XJ ranges for the 2013MY offering better economy, reduced emissions and smoother acceleration compared to the previous six-speed equipped models.

For all installations the transmission's operating software has been specifically tuned to ensure it perfectly matches the power delivery of the engines to which it is mated and offers the sporting feel, precision and smooth shifting expected of a Jaguar.

With both a wider spread of ratios and more even spacing between them, the gearbox provides more seamless acceleration both from rest and when overtaking, while fuel consumption at high speeds is reduced. Gearshifts are executed in just 200 milliseconds while driver intervention is possible through the use of steering wheel-mounted paddles which allow multiple downshifts, allowing the desired gear to be selected almost instantaneously. The use of lightweight, compact components including a rear differential with an aluminium casing means there is no weight or packaging penalty when compared with the outgoing six-speed models, while efficiency is improved through the use of an improved pump design and greater control of the gear elements.

Offering further efficiency improvements is Jaguar's Intelligent Stop/Start system, which is now fitted - according to market - to all diesel engines and the V6 and V8 petrol units. The system is able to shut down the engine in just 300 milliseconds after the car has come to a halt, allowing for fuel consumption improvements of around 5%.

No driver intervention is necessary; a complex system of control algorithms govern when the Stop/Start should function according to a number of operational parameters including engine, ambient and cabin temperatures, whether the vehicle is fully at rest, vehicle power requirements and so on. A green 'ECO' symbol on the dashboard lights up when the engine is shut down by the system.

Having come to a halt and shut down the engine, the Intelligent Stop/Start system is able to restart smoothly in less time than it takes for the driver's foot to release the brake pedal and depress the accelerator. It does so by utilising a Twin Solenoid Starter (TSS) mechanism that features its own secondary battery to ensure that in-car systems requiring power are not affected. The unique advantage of the TSS system is that it is able to restart the engine even while it is still in its run-down phase, allowing for 'change of mind' functionality, for instance if the car is coming to a halt at a junction but then a gap in traffic appears.

2.0-litre i4 Turbocharged Petrol

Belying its compact dimensions and low weight of just 138kg, the new all-aluminium four-cylinder 2.0 i4 Ti engine has an astonishing specific output of 120PS-per-litre. It achieves this through a combination of innovative technologies which results in peak power of 240PS at 5500rpm and 340Nm of torque available between 2000 and 4000rpm.

Its low inertia turbocharger ensures smooth, lag-free power - seamlessly delivered via the eight-speed transmission - while integrating the turbine housing with the lightweight, thin-walled exhaust manifold shortens the engine and catalyst warm up times, reducing emissions. Chain-driven variable timing of both exhaust and intake valves maximises the spread of torque and optimises fuel consumption at part throttle while delivering maximum performance at high revs.

In the XF sports saloon this engine is capable of accelerating the car to 60mph in just 7.5 seconds and on to 150mph while at the same time achieving 8.9l/100km on the EU Combined cycle and CO2 emissions of 207g/km. In the all-aluminium XJ, this same engine accelerates the car to 60mph in 7.0 seconds and on to a top speed of 150mph while returning 30.4mpg (9.3l/100km) and 216g/km of CO2. 3.0-litre V6 Supercharged Petrol

Jaguar's latest supercharged petrol engine, the 3.0 V6 S/C, features new combinations of cutting-edge technology allowing it to deliver a smooth, refined and thrilling 340PS at 6500rpm and 450Nm of torque between 3500 and 5000rpm. Dual independent variable cam timing (DIVCT) and spray-guided direct injection (SGDI) is allied to new spark plug orientation that aligns the electrode precisely for enhanced combustion efficiency. These features, combined with a compression ratio of 10.5:1, optimise power, torque and economy throughout the rev range.

The latest twin-vortex Roots-type supercharger is mounted in the 'V' of the engine and features electronically managed boost control which offers operating efficiencies of up to 20%. The engine features an innovative system of counter-rotating front and rear balancer weights devised by Jaguar's engineers in order to ensure its refinement matches that of the V8.

The 3.0 V6 S/C is capable of accelerating both the XF sports saloon and XJ limousine to 60mph in 5.7 seconds and on to limited top speeds of 155mph. Both cars also return identical fuel economy figures of 30mpg (9.4l/100km) on the combined cycle and emit 224g/km of CO2.

The highly regarded 2.2 i4 Td launched in the 2012 model year XF is now available in two forms, both of which offer a smooth, refined and muscular power delivery ideally suited to Jaguar's sporting saloon, along with reducing emissions and improving fuel economy.

The entry-level variant offers 163PS and 400Nm of torque while the higher-powered version has been uprated from 190PS to 200PS with torque remaining at 450Nm, with both versions also benefiting from engine management refinements. In the XF saloon this means emissions have been reduced to as low as 135g/km CO2, with combined fuel economy now at 55.4mpg (5.1l/100km).*

Both 163PS and 200PS variants of the 2.2 i4 Td are also available in the new XF Sportbrake where, thanks to aerodynamics the match of the saloon, Jaguar's most versatile model to date also boasts the same emissions and combined fuel economy figures: from 135g/km CO2 and 55.4mpg (5.1l/100km).*

*When fitted with 17-inch wheels. Figures for larger wheel sizes are 5.4l/100km | 52mpg and 139g/km of CO2

Both the 240PS and 275PS versions of the 3.0 V6 Td fitted to the XF received the eight-speed gearbox for the 2012MY, but now also gain Intelligent Stop/Start for the 2013MY. This, coupled with recent efficiency gains implemented by Jaguar's engineers have seen the XF saloon's emissions fall to 159g/km CO2 with combined fuel economy improved to 47mpg (6.0l/100km). Corresponding figures for both versions of the engine in the XF Sportbrake are 46mpg (6.2l/100km) and 163g/km CO2.

The 275PS version of the 3.0 V6 Td fitted to the XJ also benefits from the introduction of the eight-speed gearbox and Intelligent Stop/Start technology. This has seen a reduction in CO2 emissions to 159g/km and an improvement in combined fuel economy to 47mpg (6.0l/100km), while at the same time in-gear acceleration has been improved.

Now in its third generation, Jaguar's powerful and charismatic 5.0 V8 petrol has won plaudits across the globe in both naturally-aspirated and supercharged variants. This all-alloy engine features a host of technologies that allow it to generate its power in a highly efficient manner, including direct injection, dual independent variable cam timing and, in the range-topping forced-induction variants, a Roots-type twin-vortex, intercooled supercharger. In the XJ flagship, both the naturally-aspirated and supercharged V8s lend the car performance that creates a new facet to its personality. This is now extended through the fitment of the eight-speed gearbox for even smoother and more impressive acceleration, while the broader spread of ratios and Intelligent Stop/Start improve economy and emissions.

The naturally-aspirated engine sees a fuel economy gain of 8% over the EU combined cycle while its emissions are reduced by more than 6%. The supercharged range-topper achieves a fuel economy improvement in excess of 6% while CO2 emissions reduce by more than 7%.

The 510PS XFR sports saloon benefits from the same combination of eight-speed automatic gearbox and Intelligent Stop/Start allowing it to offer an unrivalled blend of efficiency and excitement. The EU Combined cycle improves by 11% with its emissions reduced by more than 8%.

N.B. All quoted fuel economy figures are EU mpg and EU l/100km.

For full UK, US and EU economy and performance data see technical specification tables.

2013MY XF and XJ: Meridian audio

  • Optional sound systems developed by British ultra-premium specialist Meridian, a world leader in audio technologies and digital signal processing.
  • Available in two power outputs - 380W and 825W - both featuring multiple channel amplifiers and Digital Signal Processing software powering an array of loudspeakers.
  • Meridian audio systems are benchmarked against real instruments and voices rather than competitors.
  • Meridian apply Psychoacoustics research and experience to produce sounds so true to life that they are perceived as real by the listener.
  • Meridian Trifield technology, featured on the top-of-the-range 825W Meridian Surround Sound System, delivers perfect surround sound to every occupant of the vehicle.

The 2013 Model Year XF, XF Sportbrake and XJ mark the start of a new partnership - previewed in the flagship XJ Ultimate - for Jaguar with British audio experts Meridian. The company has been creating ultra-premium home sound systems for more than 35 years and worked closely with Jaguar's engineers to integrate this expertise seamlessly into the luxurious environs of the XJ and XF interiors.

"Our engineering teams work to exacting standards in order to create industry-leading technology, and the addition of Meridian audio systems to the 2013MY XF and XJ ranges perfectly complements those ideals. Precisely engineered for their specific installations, Meridian's systems effortlessly deliver the highest quality of audio reproduction, adding a welcome new experience for our customers." Ian Hoban, Vehicle Line Director, Jaguar Cars The XJ and XF each offer two Meridian options. The 380W Meridian Sound System offers a 12-channel system which feeds 11 loudspeakers in the XF and 15 loudspeakers in the XJ. The top-of-the-range 825W Meridian Surround Sound System utilises 15 audio channels sending their information to 17 loudspeakers in the XF and 20 in the XJ.

Meridian has pioneered a number of technologies that deliver sound reproduction that is second to none and has won plaudits worldwide. The company considers the vehicle cabin environment as a unique opportunity to create and engineer audio solutions, making Meridian the ideal audio partner. Unlike other manufacturers which test their systems against competitors, Meridian benchmarks the fidelity of their audio reproduction against the original source of the sound itself, whether a real instrument such as a Steinway piano or a professional singer.

The basis of the Meridian philosophy is perfectly matching speakers and amplifiers, achieving premium sound quality without large power demands and avoiding overwhelming listeners with high volume. Meridian worked closely with both Jaguar and its suppliers to ensure that speaker construction utilises the latest techniques and materials and that they are perfectly placed within the cabin.

Meridian's proprietary Digital Signal Processing optimises the relationship between amplifier and speakers, with each receiving its own dedicated signal to achieve clear, distortion-free sound. The result is a Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) - the measure of accuracy of sound reproduction - of just 0.2% which is 50 times greater than the outgoing systems. By comparison, a THD of less than 1% is regarded as inaudible to the human ear. To optimise their sound systems to an automotive application in which the audio environment can change rapidly, Meridian refined their proprietary technologies and innovations specifically for automotive audio. The two range-topping Meridian Surround Sound Systems feature the company's proprietary Trifield technology which creates an all-enveloping sound field, placing each listener at the centre of their own exclusive music experience, no matter where they are seated.

In order to account for resonances that occur within a vehicle, the company created a detailed acoustic analysis of both models' interiors to identify resonances and apply bespoke digital filters - Meridian Cabin Correction - to maximise definition.

The Meridian audio systems accept a number of digital inputs such as MP3 players, CDs, TV tuners, DAB radio and USB interfaces. As such, it was important that every source be accurately converted to maintain sound quality. Meridian's Digital Dither Shaping seamlessly processes each digital input to maximise detail and quality whatever the source media.

Dynamic Volume Control is also incorporated, which monitors extraneous noise levels within the cabin and smoothly and unobtrusively alters the system volume to account, for example, for an opened window or a rough road surface.

2013MY XF and XJ: Technology

  • Infotainment system updates enhance the audio and navigation interfaces and usability.
  • Suspension enhancements to the XJ further optimise passenger comfort.
Infotainment upgrades

The intuitive, Jaguar Touchscreen infotainment system integrated into the XF and XJ receives an update for the 2013 model year, extending a number of its entertainment, navigation and connectivity functions. Both the optional TV tuner and DAB receiver are upgraded with the former now capable of receiving both Mpeg4 as well as Mpeg2 encoded transmissions, dependent on market. The updated DAB system can now also receive the more efficient DAB+ signals and the new Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) standard. Upgrades have also enhanced the browsing functionality of the iPod interface.

The satellite-navigation system also offers a number of new features that extend its capabilities and user-friendliness. An important new addition is the 'ECO Route' option that optimises the roads used on a journey to minimise both fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Making full use of the clarity of the central Touchscreen, the Dynamic Zoom feature automatically zooms in when the car approaches a junction, both on the motorway and more minor roads to make the upcoming route more obvious. Similarly, Visual Lane Guidance makes use of the split-screen function to highlight the route when the driver approaches a junction where directional arrows are painted on the road surface. Lastly, when the car is on a motorway, overhead sign information is duplicated within the satellite-navigation display.

In order to increase the usefulness of the navigation still further, Jaguar has developed a number of new features. The 'Avoid Area' function is now extended to the Stored Locations sub-menu to allow the system to remember it for future journeys, the area itself can be programmed using a variety of destination entry methods and the size of it can be decided by the driver. The Traffic Messaging Channel (TMC) information now has a repeat function to allow the driver to make an informed decision about rerouting around delays.

The Points of Interest (POI) feature can be extended by downloading POIs from the internet and then stored on the in-car system via a USB memory stick. Additional enhancements to the infotainment system include Arabic route guidance, a Russian module added to the 'Say What You See' voice activation function and a full onscreen QWERTY keyboard for the search function on a paired phone.

XJ suspension enhancements

For the 2013MY, Jaguar has continued to improve suspension refinement and performance. All models in the range benefit from recalibrated spring and damper tunes offering enhanced ride isolation and occupant comfort on all road surfaces, with no impact on the model's acclaimed dynamic ability. The new suspension tune was first introduced on the range-topping XJ Ultimate.


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