Mercedes CLS63 AMG 2012 года

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Mercedes CLS63 AMG 2012 года

Спортивный автомобиль или роскошный седан? Почему бы не оба?

Mercedes-Benz CLS63 AMG 2012 – сумасшедшая машина. С одной стороны – это удобный 4-х дверный роскошный седан, заполненный всеми благами цивилизации и технологиями, а с другой – это основательный спортивный мощный автомобиль с характеристиками производительности, конкурирующими сегодня на дороге с любым Corvette или Ferrari. Он уклоняется от вопроса: «Кто нуждается в таком автомобиле, как этот?»

Ну, никто не нуждается в таком автомобиле как этот. Но этот Mercedes основан не на потребностях, а на желаниях. Если вы хорошо обеспеченный человек, который может позволить себе выписать чек на достаточно большую сумму, то это автомобиль, который вы хотите. А для тех, кто не может позволить себе это, Mercedes позиционирует его как автомобиль, который вы стремитесь иметь, в то время как вы водите их более медлительные предложения и думаете, как сделать свои следующие несколько миллионов долларов, чтобы пересесть в этот автомобиль.

Чрезмерное количество мощности

Сердце этого «животного» – 5.5-литровый твин-турбо двигатель V8, который уменьшен от прошлогодней 6.2-литровой версии с естественной подачей воздуха. Но не волнуйтесь, новый двигатель не потерял в мощности. Он производит 518 л. с. и 700 Нм крутящего момента, а его спидометр с легкостью добирается до скорости в 250 км/ч. Все это сочетается с 32%-ым увеличением экономии топлива. В то время как те внушительные цифры характеристик могут насытить аппетиты большинства водителей, поставьте галочку на бланке заявки возле пакета рабочих характеристик AMG за $6.990, и вы приобретете почти безумные числа в 550 л. с. и 800 Нм крутящего момента. В конце концов, кто хочет добраться до 100 км/ч за 4.5 секунды, если можно туда добраться за 4.4 секунды? Да, и Mercedes удаляет электронный ограничитель, позволяя спидометру AMG достигать скорости в 300 км/ч на те случаи, когда вы действительно спешите добираться на работу.

В то время как экономия топлива является не обязательным приоритетом для автомобиля со всей этой мощностью и рабочими характеристиками, он все еще достигает расхода топлива в 14,7 л/100 км в городе и 9,4 л. по шоссе. А для демонов скорости с «зеленой» склонностью, включение в автомобиле режима «Eco» будет выключать двигатель, когда автомобиль останавливается, а затем немедленно повторно включаться, когда нажимается педаль газа.

Теперь семь великих пакетов AMG не просто дают вам больше лошадиных сил, крутящего момента и предельной скорости. Вы также получаете спойлер из углеродного волокна на крышке багажника, покрытие двигателя углеродным волокном, спортивную подвеску, руль AMG и массивные тормоза с красными суппортами с 6-ю поршнями спереди и суппортами с 4-мя поршнями сзади, чтобы снизить огромную скорость этого CLS быстро, легко и без последствий.

Пять способов вождения

Выпуск всей этой мощности на дорогу был бы хитрой задачей, если бы не выдающаяся 7-ми скоростная трансмиссия с мультисцеплением Speedshift Mercedes. Она, возможно, максимально настроенная автоматическая коробка передач на планете. Водитель может выбрать установки из «C» (комфорт), «S» (спорт), «S +» (вы знаете, что это такое) и «M» (ручной режим). Каждый последующий режим в этой лестнице означает немного больше оборотов перед каждым переключением передач и немного более агрессивное управление и настройки подвески. Но независимо от того, какой способ вы выберите, каждое переключение проходит гладко, с быстротой молнии, а для тех любителей покомандовать, которые предпочитают сами переключать передачи, большие подрулевые переключатели, размещенные позади руля AMG очень удобны. Еще один режим, который имеется в трансмиссии Speedshift, называется «RS» или «начало гонки». Это процесс с 6-ю шагами, разработанный, чтобы раскрыть максимальное возможности ускорения двигателя CLS. Но так как мы не участвовали в драг-рейсинге и не стояли рядом с ZR1 Corvette с включенными стоп-сигналами, мы не использовали эту систему.

CLS63 выбрасывает выхлопы из двигателя через две выхлопных трубы с хромированными наконечниками. Но выхода выхлопных газов, есть еще и звук, сопровождающий выброс газов. Это почти похоже на то, как если бы каждый автомобиль был оборудован дирижером, чтобы обеспечить правильное количество звука, который водитель захочет услышать в любой момент.

Нажмите на кнопку зажигания, и двигатель оживет хорошей гортанной трескотней, демонстрируя, что под крышкой капота есть что-то особое. Этот звук длится несколько секунд, а затем приятно успокаивается. Ускорьтесь мягко, и звук увеличится немного, но конечно он будет совсем не назойливым. В конце концов, вы, возможно, будете вести бабушку в церковь, а она заслуживает почтительную, тихую поездку.

Впоследствии, если вы будете испытывать желание вдавливать на педаль газа, то CLS рванет вперед, откинув вашу шею назад, и настоящее «рычание» двигателя V8, которое будет конкурировать с любым спортивным автомобилем и позволит водителю (и другим автомобилям и пешеходам по близости) знать, что эти тройные цифры всего лишь далекое «биение сердца». И затем, когда вы достигните своей желаемой скорости и ослабите дроссель, AMG превратится снова в роскошный Mercedes, и будет тогда только шептать до следующего раза, когда вы просите его ускориться.

Управление точное и зависит от установок, которые вы выбрали для своей поездки сегодня. Движение на повороте является также прямым и устойчивым с небольшим наклоном корпуса, и снова это зависит от установок для комфорта для бабушки или же нажмите кнопку для лихой езды по каньонам. И в то время как CLS – автомобиль весом в 1939 кг он, конечно, не похож на это при прохождении поворотов. Да вы чувствуете тяжесть, но она не так сильно ощущается. Это автомобиль, который хочет ехать быстро, и он вознаграждает водителя интуитивным ощущением, которое немного автомобилей могут достигнуть.

Чистая роскошь

Внутри салон окружает водителя и пассажиров шикарной обстановкой. Роскошные кожаные сиденья (с подогревом и охлаждением) обволакивают водителя с превосходной поддержкой и активной помощью так, чтобы при поворотах направо или налево противоположный кронштейн расширялся, чтобы удержать водителя в положении. Есть также функция массажа, которая перемещает кронштейны и элементы поддержки вверх и вниз по спинному хребту, чтобы помочь водителю избежать усталости при долгих поездках. Хедлайнер из Alcantera и выглядит и чувствуется на ощупь подобно замше. Покрывающая красивую кривую консоль управления мягкая кожа является солидной, и всюду по внутренней части, консоль имеет отделку piano black, углеродным волокном и отполированную нержавеющую отделку.

Большинство средств управления легко найти и использовать, хотя центральная консоль действительно кажется немного переполненной. Но большой дисплей диагональю 17,78 см для GPS и другой информации хорошо читается и легок в использовании. Мы продолжаем ненавидеть размещение включателя круиз-контроля Mercedes там, где можно было бы ожидать включатель сигнала поворота, и даже проведя неделю с автомобилем, мы все еще продолжали цеплять его.

Нам понравился пакет помощи водителю, который включает активную систему обнаружения транспортных средств в «мертвой зоне», активную систему предупреждения о смене полосы движения и лучшую систему круиз-контроля, которая позволяет водителю устанавливать безопасную дистанцию до впереди идущих транспортных средств. Автомобиль будет автоматически тормозить или ускоряться, чтобы поддержать эту дистанцию. Таким образом, водителю не придется играть со средствами управления, чтобы ускоряться или замедляться.

Пассажиры заднего сидения получают немного больше места, чем в предыдущей модели, и два высоких пассажира могут наслаждаться достаточным пространством для ног и внутренней высотой кузова, несмотря на наклонный задний дизайн наподобие «оранжереи» в купе. Что касается багажника, то он намного больше, чем выглядит со стороны.

Стиль свежий и имеет жесткий и спортивный вид. Передняя часть является агрессивной и с аэродинамически гладкой линией, тянущейся от переднего крыла до задних фар. Другая линия тянется от более низкого переднего колеса к промежуточному положению заднего крыла. Вид спереди в три четверти и в профиль – это то, где CLS смотрится лучше всего. Задняя часть имеет более обычный вид, но с той мощностью, которую имеет этот AMG, другие водители вряд ли будут иметь шанс изучить его сзади.


За такую цену, сколько стоит этот автомобиль, большинство людей купят три или четыре автомобиля, но для тех, кто может позволить себе его – это на самом деле отличная покупка. В конце концов, вы получаете полностью укомплектованный полноразмерный автомобиль повышенной комфортности и можете сэкономить очень приличные деньги, не покупая Porsche или Ferrari в качестве второго транспортного средства, чтобы удовлетворить ваши потребности в скорости.

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    Exciting design, ultimate performance and ground-breaking efficiency: this is what the new Mercedes-Benz CLS63 AMG is all about. The top-of-the-range version of the four-door coupe is equipped with the newly developed AMG V8 biturbo engine, featuring a peak output of up to 550 hp and 590 lb-ft. of torque, as well as the AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission. On top of this, the vehicle's estimated fuel economy of 16 mpg city and 21 mpg highway represents an improvement of 32 percent compared with the previous model. The combination of an AMG RIDE CONTROL sports suspension with electronically controlled damping system and new front axle, newly developed electromechanical AMG sports parameter steering, and also optional AMG ceramic high-performance composite braking system, is synonymous with maximum driving dynamics. Visually, the CLS63 AMG impresses with its athletic appearance and distinctive exterior and interior design. The model's standard specification also includes innovative LED High Performance headlamps. The 2012 CLS63 AMG goes on sale in the U.S. this summer.

    "The new CLS63 AMG continues the success story of the previous models, the CLS55 AMG and CLS63 AMG, which have delighted our customers all around the world since 2004", according to Ola KŠllenius, Head of Mercedes-AMG GmbH. "The CLS63 AMG is a unique high-performance car – it sets new standards in design, performance and efficiency."

    As with the S63 AMG and CL63 AMG, drivers of the CLS63 AMG will benefit from an eight-cylinder powerhouse, designated internally as the M 157: the new AMG 5.5-liter V8 biturbo engine boasts a combination of innovative high-tech components which, in addition to spray-guided direct gasoline injection with piezo injectors, also include a full aluminum crankcase, four-valve technology with camshaft adjustment, air/water intercooling, generator management and stop/start system. The weight-optimized AMG sports exhaust system with dual twin chrome tailpipes ensures a distinctive engine sound. With a displacement of 5,461 cc, the eight-cylinder engine develops a peak output of 518 hp and torque of 516 lb-ft. In conjunction with the AMG Performance package, these figures increase to 550 hp and 590 lb-ft. Both variants of the CLS63 AMG achieve exceptional performance: acceleration from zero to 60 mph takes 4.4 and 4.3 seconds respectively, and a top speed of 155 mph (electronically limited).

    The major difference between both power units is the increase in the maximum charge-air pressure from 1.0 to 1.3 bar. In addition, the CLS63 AMG with the AMG Performance package features a unique carbon fiber engine cover.

    Quantum leap: fuel consumption reduced by 32 percent

    Despite a significant performance increase compared with the previous model, which had a naturally aspirated AMG 6.3-liter V8 engine producing 507 hp and 465 lb-ft. of torque, the new CLS63 AMG is some 4.6 liters, or 32 percent, more economical – which represents a quantum leap forward. Thanks to these figures, the new V8 Coupe from AMG not only undercuts all of its direct competitors in the four-door high-performance coupe segment, but is also more fuel efficient than significantly lower-powered vehicles. Both performance variants have identical fuel consumption.

    Key data at a glance:

    Mercedes-Benz CLS63 AMG US-Version

    * with AMG Performance package; ** electronically limited

    Exclusive: AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission

    An important contribution towards achieving the unrivaled consumption figures has been made by the AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission, a component used exclusively at Mercedes-AMG. Unlike a conventional automatic transmission, the MCT transmission does away with the torque converter; instead, it makes use of a compact, wet start-up clutch. Also fitted as standard equipment is the stop/start function: it is permanently active in the transmission's Controlled Efficiency ("C") mode, and switches the eight-cylinder engine off when the car comes to a stop. At the same time, "C" mode also means a "soft" accelerator response set-up with convenient and early gearshifts; moving off generally takes place in second gear. A green "ECO" symbol in the AMG instrument cluster shows the driver that the stop/start function is active.

    The engine and transmission come across as much more agile in the "S" (Sport), "S+" (Sport plus) and "M" (Manual) modes; in addition, the stop/start function is switched off. In "S", "S+" and "M" modes, the engine management system partially suppresses the cylinders: interrupting ignition and injection under full load leads to even faster gearshifts than before. The highly emotional vocals are an appealing side effect of this lightning-fast process. An automatic double-declutching function and RACE START function are also included as standard.

    Autonomously developed AMG RIDE CONTROL sports suspension

    The suspension, steering and braking system of the new CLS63 AMG complement the high-tech drive system perfectly. The AMG RIDE CONTROL sports suspension, with steel suspension struts on the front axle and air suspension struts on the rear axle, as well as automatic level control, is enhanced further by an electronically controlled damping system; it automatically adjusts the damping characteristics depending on the driving conditions and reduces the roll angle of the body. The result: lightning-fast adjustment between optimum driving comfort and the best possible agility. The driver can switch between the three suspension modes of "Comfort", "Sport" and "Sport plus" at the press of a button.

    The autonomously developed front axle, with a track width which is 0.04 in wider, is the optimum match for the newly developed electromechanical AMG sports parameter steering. It features a more direct ratio, variable power assistance which adapts according to the suspension mode, and also contributes towards reducing fuel consumption by up to 0.08 gallons in the ECE fuel cycle, since the steering assistance system only draws power when the vehicle is actually being steered.

    AMG ceramic high-performance composite braking system available as an option

    Perfect deceleration even when driving extremely briskly is provided by the AMG high-performance braking system with 14.2 in, internally ventilated and perforated brake discs all-round. Especially resistant, motorsports-tested composite technology is used on the front axle. The optional AMG ceramic high-performance composite braking system with yet larger brake discs provides an even higher level of braking performance as well as lower unsprung masses. Good contact with the road, meanwhile, is provided courtesy of the titanium grey-painted, high-sheen AMG light-alloy wheels featuring a new triple-spoke design and fitted with 255/35 R 19 tires on the front and 285/30 R 19 tires on the rear. The AMG light-alloy wheels are manufactured using the weight-optimized flow-forming process, as already used on the SLS AMG.

    Intelligent lightweight construction: making a significant contribution to efficiency

    The highest level of engineering is also reflected in the body of the new CLS63 AMG: the intelligent lightweight construction makes a significant contribution towards addressing the classic conflicting goals of low weight and high strength. Like the SLS AMG, the CLS63 AMG is also fitted with doors featuring a full aluminum construction. They consist of deep-drawn aluminum panels with extruded sections, and are around 53 lb lighter compared with conventional steel doors. In addition, the hood, front fenders, trunk lid, parcel shelf, various support sections as well as major parts of the chassis and engine are all made from aluminum too.

    Light-years ahead: LED High Performance headlamps as standard

    The CLS63 AMG is the first passenger car in the world to offer LED High Performance headlamps as standard, which combine the exciting color elements of LED technology – similar to daylight – with the performance, functionality and energy efficiency of today's bi-xenon generation. For the first time ever this new light system provides the Intelligent Light System already proven in Mercedes models fitted with bi-xenon headlamps in combination with LED technology – including the active light function with LED for the first time too. The headlamps, with their 71 LED lamps in total, underline the unmistakable appearance of the CLS63 AMG. The light specialists from Mercedes-Benz have for the first time

    been able to use LED technology in the Adaptive Highbeam Assist, resulting in an entirely new level of safety when driving at night.

    In contrast to the first vehicles equipped with LED headlamps, no compromises are now necessary with respect to the functionality and performance of the lighting technology. There are further arguments for the new, LED-based lighting technology: the average operating life of an LED is around 10,000 hours, around five times longer than that of a xenon light; moreover, LED headlamps most closely approximate the color temperature of daylight. This means that LED light is in keeping with normal human perception patterns. Studies have shown that the closer the color of artificial light comes to daylight, the less strain there is on the eyes. With a color temperature of 5500 kelvin, LED light is closer to daylight (6500 K) than xenon light (4200 K). The LED daytime driving lights specific to AMG are also presented in two characteristic light strips integrated into the AMG front apron.

    Exterior design inspired by the SLS AMG

    When viewed from the front, the new CLS63 AMG evokes associations with the SLS AMG – the radiator grille in particular, with its large Mercedes star and wing-shaped horizontal slats, appears to have been inspired by the gullwing. The top-of-the-range AMG model distinguishes itself from the other CLS variants with its distinctive hood, wider mudguards with "V8 BITURBO" logo and a specific AMG front apron with black painted cross member. Eye-catching features at the rear include the diffuser insert, the AMG spoiler lip on the trunk lid, the AMG sports exhaust system with dual twin chrome tailpipes, and - as also featured on the SLS AMG - integrated rear foglamp. The AMG bodystyling perfectly matches the typical CLS outline, which is essentially characterized by the elegantly long proportions, the lateral dropping line and the muscular sports car-like shoulder line above the rear axle.

    Exclusive atmosphere in the interior

    This philosophy also continues through consistently into the interior. All of the AMG-specific design and appointment features ideally supplement the redesigned CLS interior. The wrap-around effect in the cockpit, with its high line which sweeps from the driver's door over the instrument panel support and across to the front passenger door, is generously flanked by high-quality trim elements – available in black piano lacquer as standard in the top-of-the-range AMG model. Quality materials and workmanship meet the very highest of standards and help to provide an especially exclusive atmosphere. The extensive range of standard appointments also includes AMG sports seats in nappa leather, a new three-spoke AMG Performance steering wheel with aluminum shift paddles and flattened top and bottom sections, and the AMG DRIVE UNIT with compact E-SELECT selector lever.

    New driving assistance systems: greater safety

    More than a dozen driving assistance systems on the new CLS help to prevent traffic accidents and reduce the severity of an accident. The Active Blind Spot Assist and the Active Lane Keeping Assist are new.

    Active Blind Spot Assist warns the driver if the short-range radar sensors detect that there is a danger of collision if the vehicle is about to change lanes. Should the driver ignore the warnings and come dangerously close to the vehicle in the next lane, Active Blind Spot Assist will intervene. By applying braking force to the wheels on the opposite side of the vehicle via the Electronic Stability Program ESP¨, a yaw movement is created which counteracts the collision course.

    Active Lane Keeping Assist is now also linked to the ESP¨for the first time. This system kicks into action if the driver inadvertently drifts over a solid line to the right or left of a lane. In this case, Active Lane Keeping Assist brakes the opposite wheels and thereby prevents the vehicle from crossing the line. A display on the instrument cluster warns the driver at the same time. If broken lane markings are crossed, the system controls an electric pulse generator in the steering wheel which generates vibrations for a short time – a discreet but highly effective cue to countersteer immediately. Before the braking system intervenes, the steering wheel always vibrates to provide a warning.

    AMG Performance package with enhanced performance

    One of the highlights of the attractive optional extras is the AMG Performance package which is available for the CLS63 AMG. It comprises:

    • Increase in the peak output of total 550 hp and in the maximum torque of total 590 lb-ft.; genuine carbon fiber AMG engine cover
    • Genuine carbon fiber AMG spoiler lip on the trunk lid
    • Red-painted brake calipers
    • AMG Performance steering wheel with Alcantara¨inserts in the grip areas
    • Raised top speed to 186 mph
    • Sport suspension

    Exclusive optional extras are also available from the AMG Performance Studio:

    • Lightweight, forged AMG light-alloy wheels featuring a 5-twin-spoke design with size 255/35 R 19 tires at the front and 285/30 R 19 at the rear
    • AMG rear axle locking differential with 40 percent locking action
    • AMG ceramic high-performance composite braking system
    • AMG Exterior Carbon package
    • AMG trim elements in carbon fiber/black piano lacquer
    • Illuminated AMG door sill panels


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    All-new 2012 Mercedes-Benz CLS 63 AMG features AMG V8 biturbo engine with peak output of 557 hp and 800 Nm of torque as well as the AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission. The expected fuel economy of the new AMG is 28.5 mpg which about 32% increase over previous model. The new CLS 63 AMG accelerates from 0-62mph in just 4.4 seconds and has an electronically limited top speed of 155 mph.


    Affalterbach – Exciting design, ultimate performance and groundbreaking efficiency: this is what the new Mercedes-Benz CLS 63 AMG is all about.

    The top-of-the-range version of the four-door coupé is equipped with the newly developed AMG V8 biturbo engine, featuring a peak output of up to 557 hp and 800 Nm of torque, as well as the AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission. On top of this, the vehicle's fuel consumption of 28.5 mpg represents an improvement of 32 per cent compared with the previous model (all figures provisional).

    The combination of an AMG RIDE CONTROL sports suspension with an electronically controlled damping system and new front axle, newly developed electromechanical AMG sports parameter steering, and also optional AMG ceramic high-performance composite braking system, is synonymous with maximum driving dynamics. Visually, the CLS 63 AMG impresses with its athletic appearance and distinctive exterior and interior design. The model's standard specification also includes innovative LED High Performance headlamps.

    "The new CLS 63 AMG continues the success story of the previous models, the CLS 55 AMG and CLS 63 AMG, which have delighted our customers all around the world since 2004", according to Ola Källenius, Head of Mercedes-AMG GmbH. "The CLS 63 AMG is a unique high-performance car – it sets new standards in design, performance and efficiency."

    Like the S 63 AMG and CL 63 AMG, drivers of the CLS 63 AMG will benefit from an eight-cylinder powerhouse, designated internally as the M 157: the new AMG 5.5-litre V8 biturbo engine boasts a combination of innovative high-tech components which, in addition to spray-guided direct petrol injection with piezo injectors, also include a full aluminium crankcase, four-valve technology with camshaft adjustment, air/water intercooling, generator management and stop/start system. With a displacement of 5461 cc, the eight-cylinder engine develops a peak output of 525 hp and torque of 700 Nm. In conjunction with the AMG Performance package, these figures increase to 557 hp and 800 Nm. Both variants of the CLS 63 AMG achieve exceptional performance: acceleration from 0-62 mph takes 4.4 and 4.3 seconds respectively, and the top speed is 155 mph (electronically limited).

    The major difference between both power units is the increase in the maximum charge-air pressure from 1.0 to 1.3 bar. In addition, the CLS 63 AMG with the AMG Performance package features a special high-quality carbon fibre engine cover.

    Quantum leap: fuel consumption reduced by 32 percent

    Despite a significant performance increase compared with the previous model, which had a naturally aspirated AMG 6.3-litre V8 engine producing 514 hp and 630 Nm of torque, the new CLS 63 AMG is some 32 per cent, more economical – which represents a quantum leap forward.

    The NEDC fuel consumption of 28.5 mpg equates to a CO2 output of 232 g/km. Thanks to these figures, the new V8 Coupé from AMG not only undercuts all of its direct competitors in the small but refined four-door high-performance coupé segment, but is also more fuel efficient than significantly lower-powered vehicles. Both performance variants have identical fuel consumption and CO2 figures.

    Key data at a glance:

    557 hp at 5750 rpm*

    800 Nm at 2000 - 4500 rpm*

    All figures are provisional; * with AMG Performance package; ** electronically limited

    Exclusive: AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission

    A major contribution towards achieving the unrivalled consumption figures has been made by the AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission, a component used exclusively at Mercedes-AMG. Unlike a conventional automatic transmission, the MCT transmission does away with the torque converter; instead, it makes use of a compact, wet start-up clutch. Also fitted as standard equipment is the stop/start function: it is permanently active in the transmission's Controlled Efficiency ("C") mode, and switches the eight-cylinder engine off when the car comes to a stop. At the same time, "C" mode also means a "soft" accelerator response set-up with convenient and early gearshifts; moving off generally takes place in second gear. A green "ECO" symbol in the AMG instrument cluster shows the driver that the stop/start function is active.

    The engine and transmission come across as much more agile in the "S" (Sport), "S+" (Sport plus) and "M" (Manual) modes; in addition, the stop/start function is switched off. In "S" and "M" modes, the engine management system partially suppresses the cylinders: interrupting ignition and injection under full load leads to even faster gearshifts than before. The highly emotional vocals are an appealing side effect of this lightning-fast process. An automatic double-declutching function and RACESTART function are also included as standard.

    Autonomously developed AMG RIDE CONTROL sports suspension

    The suspension, steering and braking system of the new CLS 63 AMG complement the high-tech drive system perfectly. The AMG RIDE CONTROL sports suspension, with steel suspension struts on the front axle and air suspension struts on the rear axle, as well as automatic level control, is enhanced further by an electronically controlled damping system; it automatically adjusts the damping characteristics depending on the driving conditions and reduces the roll angle of the body. The result: lightning-fast adjustment between optimum driving comfort and the best possible agility. The driver can switch between the three suspension modes of "Comfort", "Sport" and "Sport plus" at the press of a button.

    The autonomously developed front axle, with a track width which is 24 mm wider, is the perfect match for the newly developed electromechanical AMG sports parameter steering. It not only features variable power assistance which adapts according to the suspension mode, but also contributes towards reducing fuel consumption, since the steering assistance system only draws power when the vehicle is actually being steered. The 3-stage ESP ® also has individual setting options – thereby providing a definite advantage when it comes to combining driving pleasure with absolute driving safety.

    AMG ceramic high-performance composite braking system available as an option

    Perfect deceleration even when driving extremely briskly is ensured by the AMG high-performance braking system with 360 mm, internally ventilated and perforated brake discs all-round. Particularly resistant, motorsports-tested composite technology is used on the front axle. The optional AMG ceramic high-performance composite braking system with yet larger brake discs guarantees an even higher level of braking performance as well as lower unsprung masses. Good contact with the road, meanwhile, is provided courtesy of the titanium grey-painted, high-sheen AMG light-alloy wheels featuring a new triple-spoke design and fitted with 255/35 R 19 tyres on the front and 285/30 R 19 tyres on the rear.

    Intelligent lightweight construction: making a significant contribution

    The highest level of engineering is also reflected in the body of the new CLS 63 AMG: the intelligent lightweight construction makes a significant contribution towards addressing the classic conflicting goals of low weight and high strength. Like the SLS AMG, the CLS 63 AMG is also fitted with doors featuring a full aluminium construction. They consist of deep-drawn aluminium panels with extruded sections, and are around 24 kg lighter compared with conventional steel doors. In addition, the bonnet, front wings, boot lid, parcel shelf, various support sections as well as major parts of the chassis and engine are all made from aluminium too.

    Light-years ahead: LED High Performance headlamps as standard

    The CLS 63 AMG is the first passenger car in the world to offer LED High Performance headlamps, which combine the exciting colour elements of LED technology – similar to those of daytime running lamps – with the performance, functionality and energy efficiency of today's bi-xenon generation. Fitted as standard, for the first time ever this new light system provides the Intelligent Light System already proven in Mercedes models fitted with bi-xenon headlamps in combination with LED technology. The headlamps, with their 71 LED lamps in total, underline the unmistakable appearance of the CLS 63 AMG. The light specialists from Mercedes-Benz have for the first time been able to use LED technology in the Adaptive Highbeam Assist, resulting in an entirely new level of safety when driving at night.

    In contrast to the first vehicles equipped with LED headlamps, no compromises are now necessary with respect to the functionality and performance of the lighting technology. There are further arguments for the new, LED-based lighting technology: the average operating life of an LED is around 10,000 hours, around five times longer than that of a xenon light; moreover, LED headlamps most closely approximate the colour temperature of daylight. This means that LED light is in keeping with normal human perception patterns. Studies have shown that the closer the colour of artificial light comes to daylight, the less strain there is on the eyes. With a colour temperature of 5500 kelvin, LED light is closer to daylight (6500 K) than xenon light (4200 K). The LED daytime driving lights specific to AMGare also presented in two characteristic light strips integrated into the AMG front apron.

    When viewed from the front, the new CLS 63 AMG evokes associations with the SLS AMG – the radiator grille in particular, with its large Mercedes star and wing-shaped horizontal slats, appears to have been inspired by the gullwing. The top-of-the-range AMG model distinguishes itself from the other CLS variants with its distinctive bonnet, wider mudguards with "V8 BITURBO" logo and a specific AMG front apron with black painted cross member. Eye-catching features at the rear include the diffuser insert, the AMG spoiler lip on the boot lid, the AMG sports exhaust system with dual twin chrome tailpipes, and - as also featured on the SLS AMG - integrated rear foglamp. The AMG bodystyling perfectly matches the typical CLS outline, which is essentially characterised by the elegantly long proportions, the lateral dropping line and the muscular sports car-like shoulder line above the rear axle.

    Exclusive atmosphere in the interior

    This philosophy also continues through consistently into the interior. All of the AMG-specific design and appointment features ideally supplement the redesigned CLS interior. The wrap-around effect in the cockpit, with its high line which sweeps from the driver's door over the instrument panel support and across to the front passenger door, is generously flanked by high-quality trim elements – available in black piano lacquer as standard in the top-of-the-range AMG model. Quality materials and workmanship meet the very highest of standards and help to guarantee a particularly exclusive atmosphere.

    The extensive range of standard appointments also includes AMG sports seats in nappa leather, a new three-spoke AMG Performance steering wheel with aluminium shift paddles and flattened top and bottom sections, and the AMG DRIVE UNIT with compact E-SELECT selector lever.

    New driving assistance systems: greater safety

    More than a dozen driving assistance systems on the new CLS help to prevent traffic accidents and reduce the severity of an accident. The Active Blind Spot Assist and the Active Lane Keeping Assist are new.

    Active Blind Spot Assist warns the driver if it detects - with the assistance of short-range radar sensors - that there is a danger of collision if the vehicle is about to change lanes. Should the driver ignore the warnings and come dangerously close to the vehicle in the next lane, Active Blind Spot Assist will intervene. By applying braking force to the wheels on the opposite side of the vehicle via the Electronic Stability Program ESP ® , a yaw movement is created which counteracts the collision course.

    Active Lane Keeping Assist is now also linked to the ESP ® for the first time. This system kicks into action if the driver inadvertently drifts over a solid line to the right or left of a lane. In this case, Active Lane Keeping Assist brakes the opposite wheels and thereby prevents the vehicle from crossing the line. A display on the instrument cluster warns the driver at the same time. If broken lane markings are crossed, the system controls an electric pulse generator in the steering wheel which generates vibrations for a short time – a discreet but highly effective cue to countersteer immediately. Before the braking system intervenes, the steering wheel always vibrates to provide a warning.

    AMG Performance package with enhanced performance ex works

    One of the highlights of the attractive optional extras is the AMG Performance package which is available for the CLS 63 AMG. It comprises:

    • an increase in the peak output of 32 hp and in the maximum torque of 100 Nm; genuine carbon fibre AMG engine cover
    • genuine carbon fibre AMG spoiler lip on the boot lid
    • red-painted brake calipers
    • AMG Performance steering wheel with Alcantara ® inserts in the grip areas

    Exclusive optional extras are also available from the AMG Performance Studio:

    • AMG RIDE CONTROL Performance suspension
    • Lightweight, forged AMGlight-alloy wheels featuring a 5-twin-spoke design with size 255/35 R 19 tyres at the front and 285/30 R 19 at the rear
    • AMG rear axle locking differential with 40 percent locking action
    • AMG ceramic high-performance composite braking system
    • AMG Exterior Carbon package
    • AMG trim elements in carbon fibre/black piano lacquer
    • Illuminated AMG door sill panels
    • AMG Driver's Package (includes restriction of top speed to 186 mph, participation in driver training course at the AMG Driving Academy)

    Following is the list of recent pictures updates on our site.


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