Новые BMW i8 Roadster и i8 Coupe официально представлены

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Визуально обновлённый i8 Coupe отличается от предшественника лишь фарами, передним сплиттером и капотом. В целом же, дизайн автомобиля практически не изменился, вероятно, что такой подход был использован для того, чтобы не навредить аэродинамическим характеристикам.

Ячейки батарей гибридной составляющей силовой установки получили увеличенную ёмкость – 34 А·ч (20 А·ч у предшественника). Это позволило электромотору прибавить к мощности 9 кВт/12 лошадиных сил. Также это позволяет автомобилям на электротяге развивать скорость в 105 километров в час, тогда как i8 2014 модельного года на электротяге могла ехать со скоростью в 70 километров в час.

Пробег на одном заряде составляет 53 километра у BMW i8 Roadster и 55 у i8 Coupe. Суммарная мощность гибридной силовой установки составляет 377 лошадиных сил (362 у предшественника). Разгон до 100 километров, правда, не улучшился: 4,4 секунды у купе и 4,6 у родстера. Расход топлива в смешанном цикле составляет 2,1 литра на 100 километров для родстера и 1,9 литра для купе.

В салоне автомобилей появилась улучшенная навигация ConnectedDrive, мультимедийная система поддерживает форматы Apple CarPlay, с автомобилем поставляется интерактивный ключ BMW Display Key, на который отображается сервисная информация.

От стандартной 220-вольтовой розетки BMW i8 Coupe и Roadster можно зарядить за 4,5 часа. При использовании зарядной станции BMW i Wallbox мощностью до 3,6 кВт на эту процедуру уйдёт менее, чем три часа.

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Законно ли не платить штрaфы? ДА, если сделать вот это http://maskanomera.blogspot.com то автомобиль станет "невидимкой" для камер ГИБДД! Штраф вам не придет, потому что камеры не зафиксируют номер вашего автомобиля! И да, вы действительно не нарушаете закон!

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Материалы: http://www.kolesa.ru/news/novye-bmw-i8-roadster-i-i8-coupe-ofitsialno-predstavleny

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. Великобритании, да и всей Европе срочно требовались экономичные автомобили. Начало было положено Алеком Иссигонисом с зарисовки эскиза на обычной ресторанной салфетке. Вряд ли греко-британский конструктор в этот момент предполагал, что нарисовал будущую автомобильную легенду.

Прототип Austin Mini (ADO15) ‘1958

В 1956 году этому талантливому инженеру было поручено возглавить рабочую группу из 8 человек (2 конструктора, 2 студента инженерных специальностей и 4 чертёжника), которую создал руководитель корпорации Леонард Лорд. И задача была не самой легкой: в автомобильчике, размер которого должен составлять 3×1,2×1,2 м, должно было уместиться 4 взрослых человека, минимальный багаж, так еще и моторчик с трансмиссией. И поскольку места под капотом оставалось совсем немного, Алек Иссигонис решил эту проблему весьма оригинально для того времени: двигатель расположил поперечно, привод был сделан на передние колеса, а компактная подвеска – полностью независимая на конических резиновых втулках, разработанная инженером Алексом Моултоном (передняя и задняя подвески были взаимосвязаны).

Архитектура салона Morris Mini-Minor

В качестве двигателя был выбран 848-кубовый агрегат, разгоняющий Mini до 116 км / ч, хотя изначально предполагалось поставить рядный 4-цилиндровый мотор объемом 950 кубиков. Но его посчитали слишком мощным, ведь при этом максимальная скорость достигала бы 140 км/ч, что считалось небезопасным.

Morris Mini Van (ADO15) ‘1960–1969

Прообраз нового кроссовера - Austin Mini Countryman (ADO15) ‘1960–1969

Эти опасения оказались, мягко говоря, напрасными. Помимо отличной топливной экономичности и милой игрушечной внешности, Mini оказался на удивление быстрым и маневренным. И, как выяснилось позже - весьма выносливым и надежным. Это принесло ему неплохую славу. В 1961 году Джон Купер, конструктор команды Формулы-1, восхищаясь надёжностью и управляемостью этой малолитражки, решил сделать из нее, как сейчас принято называть, «горячий хетчбек». Он снабдил Mini более мощным мотором, дисковыми тормозами и характерным двухцветным окрасом. Хотя Алек Иссигонис поначалу отказывался от предложений Купера о создании отдельной модели, он все же начал с ним сотрудничать - и не прогадал.

Morris Mini Cooper S Rally (ADO15) ‘1964–1968

Эта модель принесла марке особенную популярность, когда в 1964 году Mini Cooper S под управлением Падди Хопкирка и Генри Лиддона победил на одной из самых сложных трасс в Монте-Карло. С этих пор автомобиль, на равных конкурировавший с более крупными конкурентами, навсегда вошёл в историю автогонок и неоднократно занимал призовые места.

К 1964 г. Mini получил усовершенствованную гидравлическую подвеску «Hydrolastic», которая обеспечивала больший комфорт при езде. Вскоре и другие автомобильные марки стали устанавливать подобные системы.

Austin Mini E (ADO20) ‘1982–1988

В 1967 году вышло второе поколение Mini — Mark II, основным изменением в котором был более мощный 998-кубовый мотор и незначительные изменения в дизайне . В этом же году в Великобритании было продано максимальное количество Mini— 134 346 единиц, а в 1965 году был выпущен миллионный Mini. Не изменилась общая концепция и в третей генерации британской малолитражки. Вышедший в 1969 году Mark III, также не подвергся серьезной модернизации и продержался на конвейерах разных стран до 2000 года. Наиболее очевидными изменениями были другие двери со скрытыми петлями, опускающиеся боковые стекла, а на смену комфортной Hydrolastic в угоду экономии снова вернулись к более дешевой резиновой подвеске.

Rover Mini Cooper S Final Edition (ADO20) ‘2000

За время своего существования марка Mini многократно меняла хозяев, а вместе с тем – и свое название: Austin MINI, Morris MINI, Rover MINI. На сегодняшний день владельцем марки является компания BMW, которая вывела некогда бюджетный Mini в премиум-сегмент. Помимо этого был заметно расширен ассортимент: теперь модельный ряд Mini включает себя 45 моделей, включая родстеры, кабриолеты, универсалы и кроссоверы.

Mini Cooper S Cabrio (R57) ‘2010–2013

Mini Cooper Clubman (R55) ‘2010–2013

Mini Cooper S Roadster (R59) ‘2012–2013

Mini Cooper S Coupe (R58) ‘2011-2013

Mini Cooper S Paceman (R61) ‘2013

Mini Cooper S Countryman (R60) ‘2010–2013

Mini Cooper S Countryman (R60) рядом с раллийным прототипом Mini All4 Racing

почему Renault Duster — лучший внедорожник

45 моделей сезона 2017-2018 с шипами и без

Материалы: http://5koleso.ru/articles/istoriya-avto-brendov/istoriya-mini

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The MINI Roadster is not only the sole premium model of its kind in the small car segment, it also ranks as the only open-top two-seater in the brand's history. The faithful reproduction of the hallmark MINI design language within the proportions of a roadster gives the first open-top two-seater in the history of MINI an unmistakable and irresistible charisma. Even with the roof closed the MINI Roadster displays an elegant, sweeping silhouette, with the transition from soft-top to rear end highlighting its characteristic three-box design particularly clearly. Unlike the MINI, MINI Clubman and MINI Convertible, the MINI Roadster is divided into three distinct segments: engine compartment, passenger compartment and boot.

With an exterior length of 3,734 millimetres (MINI Cooper Roadster: 3,728 millimetres, MINI John Cooper Works Roadster: 3,758 millimetres), wheelbase of 2,467 millimetres and width of 1,683 millimetres, the dimensions of the MINI Roadster largely mirror those of the MINI Convertible. However, standing just 1,390 tall (MINI Cooper Roadster: 1,384 millimetres, MINI John Cooper Works Roadster: 1,391 millimetres), i.e. more than 20 millimetres lower than its four-seater soft-top stablemate, the new two-seater cuts a distinctive, low-slung and elegantly stretched figure from the side.

2013 Mini Roadster

Roadster's individual and unmistakable style follows in the MINI tradition.

The principles of the MINI design language are faithfully reflected in the body design of the new concept. For example, the athletically taut surfaces, harmonious curves and parallel lines typical of MINI cars are complemented by a sloping windscreen frame raked by an extra 13 degrees over the MINI Convertible, a short passenger compartment distilled around two seats, and a flat boot lid. The polished stainless steel roll-over bars are another striking feature. The designers went to great lengths with the three-dimensional sculpting of the bars, which are padded at the front and include a mount for the optional wind protection insert.

The MINI Roadster's waistline rises up slightly along the length of the body to its tail end, producing an elegant silhouette which gives the MINI Roadster an unmistakable allure - with the roof open or closed. This visual appeal is further emphasised by a wraparound chrome trim strip at the base of the windows and roof. A windscreen frame that is more heavily raked and tapers upwards more sharply than that of the MINI Convertible also gives it a clearly distinguishable and undeniably sporting impression when viewed head-on.

In customary MINI fashion, the powerful over-the-wheel stance of the new Roadster also plays a defining role in its appearance. The car's brand identity is further emphasised by distinctive design features such as the hexagonal contours of the radiator grille, the black border around the lower part of the body, an array of chrome strips and edging, large circular headlights with integrated direction indicators, vertically stacked rear lights positioned on the outer extremes of the rear end, and the eye-catching side indicator surrounds on the front side panels.

Clean, classic and black: the manually operated soft-top roof.

Another example of the faithful transposition of MINI design into the compact roadster template comes in the form of the robust, all-season durability of the soft-top roof. When closed, the roof - which shares the simple style of classic British roadsters - "cascades" downwards, broadening as it heads towards the body and underlining to fine effect the powerful over-the-wheel stance. When opened, the roof folds down flat behind the seats, keeping the car's elegantly sweeping lines intact. And since the outer skin of the roof faces upwards, there is no need for any additional cover.

In keeping with British roadster tradition, the roof is black. A range of two non-metallic and six metallic paint shades are available for the exterior of the MINI Roadster. Sport Stripes - available in Black, Silver and (exclusively for the MINI John Cooper Works Roadster) Red for the bonnet and boot lid - allow owners to add an extra personal touch. The optional Chrome Line Exterior trim adds chrome surrounds for the lower air intake and rear foglamp.

The light-alloy wheels fitted as standard on the MINI Roadster come in 15, 16 or 17-inch formats, depending on the model variant. A selection of other light-alloy wheels are available as an option in the same sizes.

Interior design: bespoke range of options offers the key to individuality.

The interior of the MINI Roadster features - in typical brand style - a large Centre Speedo and a rev counter positioned directly behind the steering wheel. The sports seats fitted as standard in the MINI Cooper S Roadster, MINI Cooper SD Roadster and MINI John Cooper Works Roadster offer outstanding lateral support through quickly-taken corners. The colours of the interior, meanwhile, also help enhance concentration on the road ahead. Regardless of the combination of upholstery variant, trim elements and Colour Lines chosen by the MINI Roadster owner, the interior colour remains Carbon Black.

The customary MINI variety of seat and upholstery variants includes ultra-exclusive piped sports seats in the colour shade Toffy. Added to which, black sports seats in Punch Leather with beige-coloured perforations are also available.

Trim strips can be ordered in any of six variants, while an extra Chili Red option is also offered for the MINI John Cooper Works Roadster. A choice of five Colour Lines is available; the Polar Beige variant, for example, can also be combined with beige-coloured exterior mirrors. The Chrome Line Interior package can be specified as an option, and includes chrome rings and trim elements for the Centre Speedo, rev counter, air vents, gearshift lever gaiter, the cupholders on the centre console, the door openers, the stereo speakers in the doors, the seat belt outlet and the handbrake lever.

The MINI Yours range, meanwhile, offers an additional selection of extremely exclusive exterior and interior design options, including Soda bonnet stripes in White, MINI Yours Tattoo Funky adornments and a leather-covered instrument panel.

Unadulterated power delivering pure driving fun: The engines and gearboxes.

The launch of the MINI Roadster builds on the tradition of British-bred compact open-top sports cars. This fresh take on the concept captures the imagination with a premium character unmatched in the segment and advanced drive technology providing brisk performance and a suitably modern commitment to low fuel consumption and emissions.

The MINI Roadster is available with the three most powerful petrol engines and the highest-output diesel unit in the brand's line-up. The state-of-the-art four-cylinder engines all boast sporty power delivery combined with exemplary efficiency, and stand out with their extremely low weight and a host of technological details not found elsewhere in the class. All variants of the MINI Roadster carry the Cooper name in their model titles. This reference to legendary ex-Formula One racing car designer John Cooper, who also used to race the classic Mini, marks out a car with particular sporting capability.

MINI Cooper Roadster: a lively start to proceedings.

The MINI Cooper Roadster represents an extremely potent entry point into the Roadster line-up. Its 1.6-litre four-cylinder engine boasts a fully variable valve control system - based on the VALVETRONIC technology used in BMW engines - which sharpens the engine's responses yet also lowers fuel consumption and emissions. Within fractions of a second, the valve management system adjusts the stroke and opening period of the intake valves to the amount of output required. This throttle-free load control technology enables the engine to respond extremely rapidly and precisely to every movement of the accelerator.

With output rising to 90 kW/122 hp at 6,000 rpm and maximum torque of 160 Newton metres (118 lb-ft) generated at 4,250 rpm, this powerplant accelerates the MINI Cooper Roadster from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 9.2 seconds and on to a top speed of 199 km/h (124 mph). Its average fuel consumption in the EU test cycle stands at 5.7 litres per 100 kilometres (49.6 mpg imp), while CO2 emissions come in at 133 grams per kilometre.

MINI Cooper S Roadster: imposing power, impressive efficiency.

The likewise 1.6-litre engine under the bonnet of the MINI Cooper S Roadster features MINI TwinPower Turbo technology. In addition to fully variable valve control, this package of technology includes a twin-scroll turbocharger and petrol direct injection, which helps to make the four-cylinder powerplant in this model variant the world's most efficient in its displacement class. In this type of charge system the ducts of two cylinders are combined with one another in the exhaust manifold and in the turbocharger. This construction leads to reduced exhaust back-pressure and therefore instantaneous development of charge pressure. The direct injection system's multi-hole injectors are supplied with fuel by a two-piston high-pressure pump via a single stainless-steel line, and spray precise quantities into the combustion chambers at up to 120 bar.

The powerplant develops its maximum output of 135 kW/184 hp at 5,500 rpm. Peak torque of 240 Newton metres (177 lb-ft) arrives as low down as 1,600 rpm and can hit 260 Newton metres (192 lb-ft) in a short burst courtesy of the Overboost function. All of which means the MINI Cooper S Roadster powers from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 7.0 seconds on the way to a top speed of 227 km/h (141 mph). These performance figures contrast with average fuel consumption in the EU test cycle of 6.0 litres per 100 kilometres (47.1 mpg imp) and CO2 emissions of 139 grams per kilometre.

MINI John Cooper Works Roadster: a top-class sportsman with racing in its blood.

The latest model variant from MINI's John Cooper Works sub-brand showcases its sporting potential with even greater intent. The MINI John Cooper Works Roadster is powered by a 155 kW/211 hp four-cylinder engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo technology. The 1.6-litre engine under the bonnet is largely the same as the unit powering the competitors in the MINI CHALLENGE Clubsport series. Indeed, numerous technical details originate directly from developments in motor sport, including the cylinder block, pistons, cylinder heads and crankshafts. The modified turbocharger develops even greater charge pressure than the engine in the MINI Cooper S Roadster. The model-specific exhaust system can be identified from the outside by its polished stainless steel twin tailpipes, while its resonant soundtrack - best sampled from inside the cabin - adds a distinctive extra layer to the extreme sports machine's character.

The engine generates its maximum output at 6,000 rpm, with peak torque of 260 Newton metres (192 lb-ft) on stream at 1,850 rpm. The Overboost function briefly pushes this figure up to 280 Newton metres (207 lb-ft). 6.5 seconds is all it takes the MINI John Cooper Works Roadster to blast from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph). Top speed is 237 km/h (147 mph). Added to which, with average fuel consumption in the EU test cycle of 7.3 litres per 100 kilometres (38.7 mpg imp) and CO2 emissions of 169 grams per kilometre, the MINI John Cooper Works Roadster boasts extraordinary efficiency for an open-top car in this output class.

MINI Cooper SD Roadster: majoring in torque and economy.

Its sporty power delivery makes the diesel engine in the MINI Cooper SD Roadster the ideal addition to the range of petrol units. The four-cylinder 2.0-litre powerplant features MINI TwinPower Turbo technology, which includes a turbocharger with variable intake geometry and common-rail direct injection with solenoid-valve injectors, plus an aluminium crankcase. This package of technology generates impressive pulling power, but also offers leading performance when it comes to fuel economy.

The youngest and most powerful diesel engine in the MINI arsenal develops 105 kW/143 hp at 4,000 rpm and peak torque of 305 Newton metres (225 lb-ft) between 1,750 and 2,700 rpm. All this allows the MINI Cooper SD Roadster to dash from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 8.1 seconds and on to a top speed of 212 km/h (132 mph). The diesel Roadster headlines its outstanding efficiency with average fuel consumption of 4.5 litres per 100 kilometres (62.8 mpg imp) in the EU test cycle and CO2 emissions of 118 grams per kilometre.

The MINI Cooper Roadster, MINI Cooper S Roadster and MINI Cooper SD Roadster are fitted as standard with extensive MINIMALISM technology. This further reduces their fuel consumption and emissions thanks to features including Brake Energy Regeneration, the Auto Start/Stop function, Shift Point Display, Electric Power Steering, a map-controlled oil pump and ancillary components working according to need. The MINI Cooper Roadster, MINI Cooper S Roadster and MINI Cooper SD Roadster can also be specified with an optional six-speed automatic gearbox with Steptronic function as an alternative to the six-speed manual item fitted as standard across the MINI Roadster range. Also available as an option is a sports steering wheel with shift paddles, which enable the driver to change gears manually while keeping both hands on the steering wheel.

A Sport Button on the centre console - standard in the case of the MINI John Cooper Works Roadster and optionally available for all other model versions - allows the driver to adjust the car's steering characteristics and accelerator responses. If the optional six-speed automatic gearbox is specified, pressing the Sport Button also shortens shift times.

A perfect combination of agility and stability: The chassis and body.

Like the engine line-up, the chassis technology of the MINI Roadster and the properties of its body have been developed squarely to deliver maximum driving fun within an open-top two-seater format. A quality of chassis technology unparalleled in the small car segment, including Electric Power Steering and Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), combines with the torsionally rigid body (complete with special strengthening elements) and the car's lower centre of gravity to deliver addictive agility and unbeatable active and passive safety.

Meanwhile, front and head-thorax airbags, an extremely rigid windscreen frame and polished stainless steel roll-over bars fixed to the body join forces in the interests of occupant protection. The aerodynamic balance of the MINI Roadster is optimised by an active rear spoiler.

Agile, precise, stable: go-kart feeling in a roadster wrapping.

Teaming up with the powerful engines and customary MINI front-wheel drive, chassis technology of a quality unparalleled in the small car segment imbues the MINI Roadster with the brand's hallmark driving fun. MacPherson struts at the front axle, a multi-link rear axle, anti-roll bars front and rear, powerful brakes offering excellent feel, and bespoke tuning for all chassis components join together to produce a new interpretation of the time-honoured MINI go-kart feeling. The Electric Power Steering system, meanwhile, comes with speed-sensitive power assistance as standard, and the optional Sport Button (standard in the MINI John Cooper Works Roadster) allows the driver to give the steering particularly sporting characteristics. Plus, all model variants can be specified with sports suspension - which brings stiffer damper characteristics, sturdier anti-roll bars and upgraded springs - as an option.

The standard DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) system selectively brakes individual wheels and reduces engine power to prevent a front or rear-end slide. The system includes ABS anti-lock braking, EBD (Electronic Brakeforce Distribution), CBC (Cornering Brake Control), Brake Assist and Hill Start Assistant. DSC also adds DTC (Dynamic Traction Control) with EDLC (Electronic Differential Lock Control) for the driven axle as standard on the MINI John Cooper Works Roadster and as an option on all other model variants.

Manually operated soft-top roof the key to spontaneous open-air motoring.

An elegantly cut soft-top roof provides the necessary shelter for the MINI Roadster's two passengers, and is opened and closed manually. The sophisticated structure boasts outstanding soundproofing and heat insulation, which helps to give the MINI Roadster unrestricted all-season usability.

The manual opening and closing mechanism of the soft-top roof allows the driver to usher in his next dose of open-top driving pleasure without a second's thought. And the roof can be closed again equally quickly to protect the driver and passenger from less welcome weather. The roof is opened by turning the release lever on the windscreen frame though 130 degrees and swivelling the soft-top back behind the seats, where it locks into place. The process for closing the roof again is triggered by pressing a button positioned between the roll-over bars, which allows the roof to extend out of its anchorage points. It can then be pulled forward - using a recessed grip and assisted by gas-pressure springs - and fixed in place again against the windscreen frame. The side windows are automatically lowered during the closing process to reduce the effort required to move the soft-top into place.

The MINI Roadster can be ordered with an optional wind protection insert, which is secured between the roll-over bars to cut down on swirling air inside the passenger compartment. The wind protection element can be folded up and stowed away in a specially designed pocket in the load compartment.

A well-rounded concept delivering driving fun without compromises.

The absence of a rear seat bench allows the MINI Roadster to offer 240 litres of luggage space. And, with the roof folding down flat behind the seats, the full load space remains available when driving with the roof down. The high-opening tailgate and low boot sill make it that much easier to load up items of luggage, while a 36 cm (14 in.) wide and 20 cm (approx. 8 in.) high through-loading system that can also be opened from the driver's or passenger's seat provides added versatility. The MINI Roadster also comes with larger door bins, three cupholders, and a cross-rack behind the seats.

Another stand-out feature of the MINI Roadster are the stainless steel roll-over bars, the fronts of which are padded. Together with the reinforced windscreen frame, they provide optimised occupant protection in the event of the car turning over. Dynamically formed contours ensure that the roll-over bars and windscreen frame combine to impressive stylistic effect, too. The safety equipment on board the new MINI Roadster also includes front airbags and head-thorax airbags integrated into the outer sides of the seat backrests, three-point inertia-reel seat belts including belt force limiters and belt tensioners, and a Tyre Defect Indicator.

Bodyshell stiffening at the rear increases the torsional rigidity of the body and combines with extra-sturdy side sills to enhance the strength of the passenger cell. In addition, the MINI Roadster also features innovative built-in pedestrian protection measures and special stiffening elements in the front section. These result in a slightly higher front axle load rating compared with the MINI, which gives the front wheels extra traction. In addition, the use of a comparatively lightweight, manually operated soft-top roof lowers the car's centre of gravity. The impressive body rigidity of the MINI Roadster and its dynamically favourable weight distribution provide the ideal platform for agile and precise handling.

Active rear spoiler optimises aerodynamic balance.

Optimised aerodynamic properties also play their role in a vehicle concept geared to enjoying driving fun to the full. The heavily raked A-pillars and windscreen reduce the frontal area of the body and therefore levels of drag. Added to which, the MINI Roadster is fitted with an active rear spoiler. Integrated into the tailgate, the spoiler extends automatically as soon as the MINI Roadster reaches 80 km/h (50 mph). When the car's speed drops back below 60 km/h (37 mph), a four-part control mechanism returns the spoiler to its rest position. The active rear spoiler, which can also be operated manually using a button in the control panel on the windscreen frame, provides up to 40 kilograms (88 lb) of extra downforce when travelling at maximum speed.

Air flow has been optimised to an even greater degree on the MINI John Cooper Works Roadster. The most powerful member of the Roadster line-up is fitted with a John Cooper Works aerodynamic kit as standard in a nod to its exceptionally dynamic performance capability. This kit comprises bespoke front and rear aprons and side skirts, and is also available as an option for the other variants of the MINI Roadster as part of the John Cooper Works Pack.

Creating that unique MINI feeling: The equipment.

The MINI Roadster is the first premium car of its kind in the small car segment, a status it underlines with its advanced drive and chassis technology, well-rounded overall concept, high level of quality and extensive standard equipment. In true MINI style, each Roadster leaving MINI Plant Oxford will sport a configuration tailored to the customer's requirements. The extraordinary variety of options and accessories available for the new model gives customers the freedom to create a car adapted precisely to their personal tastes. Attractive options - some of them unique in the small car segment - allow owners to turn their MINI Roadster into a one-off car reflecting their individual style in terms of design, comfort and driving fun.

As an open-top two-seater with a manually operated soft-top roof, the MINI Roadster embodies a zestful and pure-bred brand of driving fun. To this end, the classical compact drop-top sports car concept is laced with an array of innovative equipment features. For example, the MINI Connected range of pioneering in-car infotainment functions presents owners with some particularly intriguing avenues to explore.

Standard and optional equipment: high-quality, innovative, individual.

The standard equipment on board the new car includes air conditioning (MINI Cooper S Roadster, MINI Cooper SD Roadster, MINI John Cooper Works Roadster), speed-sensitive power steering, height-adjustable seats and electrically adjustable exterior mirrors. The likewise standard Park Distance Control with rear-mounted sensors makes parking and manoeuvring that much easier.

The comfort and individuality of the MINI Roadster can be further enhanced with high-quality items from the range of options, some unique in the small car segment. For example, Adaptive Headlights, black headlight housing and a headlight washer system are available in conjunction with the optional xenon headlights, while front foglamps (standard on the MINI John Cooper Works Roadster) and a rain sensor with automatic headlamp activation can also be specified. Among the other options customers can choose from are Comfort Access, an on-board computer, a multifunction steering wheel, the Always Open Timer, automatic climate control, heated seats, automatically dimming rear-view mirror and exterior mirrors, an armrest, the storage package, and preparation for a rear luggage carrier rack.

The sports seats fitted as standard in the MINI Cooper S Roadster, MINI Cooper SD Roadster and MINI John Cooper Works Roadster offer outstanding lateral support through quickly-taken corners. Also available as an option are Recaro sports seats in a leather/Dinamica combination with optimised lateral support, extended thigh support, integrated head restraints and an embossed John Cooper Works by Recaro logo. Customers can also dip into the selection of exclusive options available from the MINI Yours range and ultra-sporty John Cooper Works options and accessories.

Only from MINI Connected: innovative entertainment and communications functions.

The MINI Roadster comes as standard with the radio MINI CD audio system (MINI John Cooper Works Roadster: radio MINI Boost CD), while an extra dose of entertainment pleasure can be specified in the form of the Harman Kardon hi-fi loudspeaker system - with 10 speakers, digital sound processing and a 480-watt amplifier - and a USB audio interface. The radio MINI Visual Boost and MINI navigation system link up with a 6.5-inch, high-resolution colour display in the Centre Speedo and Bluetooth hands-free functionality including a USB audio interface. The maps for the MINI navigation system are stored on the car's built-in flash memory device. The USB audio interface allows mobile devices to be integrated into the car and functions supported by them to be activated and operated in customary MINI style via the car's display and the joystick on the centre console. These features include audio streaming via Bluetooth, display of album cover artwork on the on-board monitor and innovative office functions.

Apple iPhone owners specifying the MINI Visual Boost radio or MINI navigation system can also access internet-based services inside the car courtesy of MINI Connected. MINI-specific functions can be uploaded via a MINI Connected software application and operated using the joystick, steering wheel buttons and on-board monitor. Adopting the familiar MINI display and operating logic, MINI Connected enables comfortable, simple, secure and intuitive control of all functions

The MINI Connected App opens the door to - among other things - a web radio function, use of Google services, Facebook and Twitter, reception of RSS news feeds, the MINIMALISM Analyser, Mission Control and Dynamic Music functions, and the latest Driving Excitement functions, such as Condition Check, Force Meter and digital sports instruments. Added to which, the driver can have Facebook status updates, Twitter posts and news feeds, for example, read out using the optional text-to-speech function.

  • MINI John Cooper Works Roadster
    • Four-cylinder petrol engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo technology and numerous technological details carried over directly from motor sport
    • Displacement: 1,598 cc
    • Power Output: 155 kW/211 hp at 6,000 rpm
    • Max. torque: 260 Nm/192 lb-ft at 1,850-5,600 rpm (280 Nm/207 lb-ft with Overboost at 2,000-5,100 rpm)
    • Acceleration 0-100 km/h (62 mph): 6.5 seconds
    • Top speed: 237 km/h (147 mph)
    • Average fuel consumption according to EU: 7.3 l/100 km (38.7 mpg imp)
    • CO2 emissions: 169 g/km
  • MINI Cooper S Roadster
    • Four-cylinder petrol engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo technology
    • Displacement: 1,598 cc
    • Power Output: 135 kW/184 hp at 5,500 rpm
    • Max. torque: 240 Nm/177 lb-ft at 1,600-5,000 rpm (260 Nm/192 lb-ft with Overboost at 1,730-4,500 rpm)
    • Acceleration 0-100 km/h (62 mph): 7.0 seconds
    • Top speed: 227 km/h (141 mph)
    • Average fuel consumption according to EU: 6.0 l/100 km (47.1 mpg imp)
    • CO2 emissions: 139 g/km
  • MINI Cooper Roadster
    • Four-cylinder petrol engine with fully variable valve management based on the BMW Group's VALVETRONIC technology
    • Displacement: 1,598 cc
    • Power Output: 90 kW/122 hp at 6,000 rpm
    • Max. torque: 160 Nm/118 lb-ft at 4,250 rpm
    • Acceleration 0-100 km/h (62 mph): 9.2 seconds
    • Top speed: 199 km/h (124 mph)
    • Average fuel consumption according to EU: 5.7 l/100 km (49.6 mpg imp)
    • CO2 emissions: 133 g/km
  • MINI Cooper SD Roadster
    • Four-cylinder turbodiesel with MINI TwinPower Turbo technology
    • Displacement: 1,995 cc
    • Power Output: 105 kW/143 hp at 4,000 rpm
    • Max. torque: 305 Nm/225 lb-ft at 1,750-2,700 rpm
    • Acceleration 0-100 km/h (62 mph): 8.1 seconds
    • Top speed: 212 km/h (132 mph)
    • Average fuel consumption according to EU: 4.5 l/100 km (62.8 mpg imp)
    • CO2 emissions: 118 g/km

Материалы: http://www.netcarshow.com/mini/2013-roadster/

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